[b][color=7bcdc8]Ben Winters[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SQRCUMEEt0]Music[/url] He nodded at Piper's question. [color=7bcdc8]"I didn't hear any of him just yet."[/color] Grant sure likes to take his time now did he? It was quite a while ago since his last text, and he hadn't hear any of him just yet. Ah well. He had the time anyway. There still was a very odd stence in the air. He sniffed once more. Werewolves? He then walked over by the window. He looked, and saw that there wasa whole pack waiting outside. Ben whisteled again and grinned. [color=7bcdc8]"Bringing out the big guns eh Piper?"[color] He asked, as he turned away from the window. Hen then walked over to a chair, and lied his feet on the footstool. Now the waiting game once more started. There were two things that Ben worried about now. One: The weapon used to kill Dracula. It has to be somewhere in this world right? He preferred a weapon since using to much magic is way to risky in his opnion. Magic only brings about bad things. Like disturbing perefectly laid out time lines and angering other ones. Number two: They still had a freshspawn in the midst of learning his powers. He was worried that the kid woulden't make it when they tackled Dracuul head on. In his opnion, it was the best to let the kid out of danger just now. He was afraid that Rick only would become a nuisance. He looked at the kid from his chair. It's a good soul, and it would be a shame if he died. [color=7bcdc8]"Kid."[/color] He was looking at Rick. [color=7bcdc8]""Come here, I want to ask you something."[/color] [@Wick][@Ojo chan 42][@dabombjk]