[B]BRIZO BADAMISH[/B] [center]<<[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8qxoe31wmA]THEME START[/url]>>[/center] [right][i]GASSING COUNTLESS SIDES EVIL TAKES ITS PRIDE IN ZEOOON (ZEON) ZEEEOOOOOON[/i][/right] A blue streak darted across the battlefield at incredible speeds, leaving explosions trailing in its wake. [right][i]SPACENOIDS LAUNCH ASSAULT TO STEAL OUR PRECIOUS SALT IT'S ZEEEOOON (ZEON!) ZEEOOON (ZEON!)[/i][/right] It danced through the debris, pinging from one piece of rubble to another. Ammunition soared its way, striking nothing but the starlit void where there was once blue. [right][i]NOWHERE TO RUN NOWHERE TO HIDE PRESSURE SPREADING FAR AND WIDE WHO CAN TURN THE TIDE?[/i][/right] A Federation mobile suit materialised behind the strikingly blue frame, disengaging from its asteroid cover to fire its beam spray gun towards the unprotected back of the enemy. It would be the one to take down this filthy Spacenoid, and in this ambush, there was no way in hell for an escape. The attack missed. Below?! [right][i]G.M. JIM! G.M. JIM IS THERE! G.M. JIM! G.M. JI-[/i]*crackle*[/right] A single crimson eye flashed in the reflection of the GM's visor. "That was a good shot." Brizo manoeuvred her Act Zaku away from the unfortunate Federation MS, holstering the beam rifle that had dealt the fatal blow to her enemy's cockpit. One down. A few dozen more to keep the bosses happy left to go.