James smiles at the older vampire as he is fussed over, it was almost worth getting messy just to have Dorian fuss afterwards. But it seems the older vampire was starting to see it as a losing battle. Listening intently to Dorian, James memorises his instructions stowing away the information for when he tries to fly like Dorian did. He brushes down the front of his own clothes in a vein attempt to make them somewhat presentable again but the damage is already done and a new set will be needed. At the opportunity to hunt James is off again confident that Dorian will keep up with him as he moves swiftly through the forest. His demeanor shifts from playful to more deadly as he senses prey near by. His footfalls become nearly silent and he lowers his body moving between the trees and staying to the darkest areas he can find. It is all instinct to the young vampire, raw and pure, the need for a predator to feed. The large hare that he selected does not stand a chance as he lunges from the shadows and throws himself at it. He catches the hare in his hands as it tries to make a desperate escape. Holding it up, the brown hare kicks its rear legs and struggles desperately to escape his grip. James waits for Dorian to come to his side holding the hare up like a child with a pet. He doesn't like the taste of animal blood it was the thrill of the hunt that James had truly enjoyed. No sooner has he shown off his prize than he releases it. The hare frantically hops away and out of sight lucky to be alive. James looks up at Dorian not rising from his place on the ground. 'How long until we reach your home?' He asks thinking of how much more freedom he will have once the business is all done.