The basic idea behind Zaskar, is, at it's heart, a post colonial nation in an age of colonialism. Zaskar essentially being the result of a coalition of colonies from various nations-or one nation ([b]interested parties, feel free to volunteer intermingle your history with mine[/b]) that united with the natives of the continent to force out their colonial masters. This revolutionary moment-and movement, was inspired by the scripture of the Ikko-Chi religion from Not! Japan, which secular thinkers in Zaskar adopted into what we would recognize as a secular sort of communism-resembling Cuba's system in spirit if not down to the last detail. There's also some interesting parallels to the USA, in that it is likely the first colony to win it's freedom-though other influences are stronger. It has some strong elements of the Congo-especially the belgian Congo during it's colonial period, it's colonists/former colonists have more in common with Australians, and of course, there are elements of Cuba throughout.