[hider=Allen Strauss] [color=6ecff6][b]Name:[/b][/color]Allen Strauss [color=6ecff6][b]Age:[/b][/color] 21 years old [color=6ecff6][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=6ecff6][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [img]http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh115/chimamire-no-shinobi/misc/bluehairedmanandkitsune.jpg[/img] A tall and handsome gentleman, Allen stands a bit above 6 feet and weighs around 175 pounds. His silver-colored hair is surely the most striking trait of his self, a proof of an unusual heritage. No matter how hot it is, Allen never seems to show much skin, because underneath shows a lot of his failure experiments: burn marks and scars on his body and arms. If one would contemplate the back of his hands and somehow get a look at his naked shoulders, one would notice Allen as tattoos printed there. Representing the primordial elements, Allen bears the [url=http://imgur.com/iy6u5z5]Fire Symbol[/url] on his right hand, the [url=http://imgur.com/OF6cuCA]Water Symbol[/url] on his left hand, the [url=http://imgur.com/lWrl2Xl]Earth symbol[/url] on his right shoulder and the [url=http://imgur.com/25o6lkd]Air Symbol[/url] on his left shoulder. On his chest, just where the heart is located, one could find the [url=http://imgur.com/UzzOfcb]Light Symbol[/url], while the [url=http://imgur.com/ozmyIGF]Darkness Symbol[/url] is located on his back. [color=6ecff6][b]Year:[/b][/color] 14th year [color=6ecff6][b]Rank:[/b][/color] Journeyman [color=6ecff6][b]Room No.:[/b][/color] Allen shares room 33-C with 2 other roomates. One is a journeyman by the name of Alec Shneider. The other is a journeyman-ranked tomboyish girl named Anna Smith. While the direction and the boys weren't too keen on having a girl share the same room as two boys, there was a lack of space by that time. By the time space was made available, Anna had decided to stay with the two guys. Some would say that Alec's liveliness and Allen's cooking got reason of her. [color=6ecff6][b]Personality:[/b][/color] A strong and kind soul, Allen is driven by compassion mixed with knowledge. He lives to learn about magic and takes pride in helping others understand it as well. He is in overall a good person, although he may seem distant and a loner due to his being so often busy with experimenting with his magic. However, when approached, he beams with happiness and never misses a chance to speak with others. Facing him for the first time, people might be a bit intimidated by just how confident he appears to be, and how knowledgeable he is. But once someone get to know his well, they will know that while he is indeed radiating confidence in himself, he strives to help everyone and make them in turn confident about their abilities. When facing challenges and threat, Allen always remain calm and keeps his wits about himself. He observes the issues at hand, and tries to find a logic way to solve it. In combat or during sparring sessions, the same train of thought is applied. Assuming one would not know of Strauss’ abilities, he would rather keep an ace up his sleeve, trying to hide the fact he can use multi-elemental magic. As a matter of fact, he will often appears to be a single-elemental magic user, until he can catch his opponent off-guard. [color=6ecff6][b]Magic Discipline:[/b][/color] Elemental Magic Unlike most magic-user, Allen poured all of his intellect and training into learning all the aspects of Elemental Magic. While he does not hold mastery over a single element, like how Pyromancers or Hydromancers would control fire and water respectively with unparalleled mastery, the young prodigy can use a vast repertoire of spells to compensate for various situations, making him a most versatile caster. To learn about all facets of Elemental magic, it takes a life-long worth of study, hence the reason Allen has been at the university for so long, and is still learning something new everyday. When manifesting a spell, Allen's tattoos glow corresponding to the element of the spell he is using. When making an advanced type of casting, not only does his tattoes glow, but a faint circle representing the element(s) symbol(s) shine all around Allen. Elemental magic consists of the following: [hider=Elemental Magic] [u]Primordial Elements:[/u] [i]-Fire:[/i] Self-explanatory, fire element consists of summoning fire. Anything heat-based at least requires the use of this element. Fire magic is considered to be the most offensive of the elements. [i]-Water:[/i] Everything that consists of water, even ice, encompass tis element. Water magic is a very versatile type of element, ranging from defensive to offensive spells. [i]-Air:[/i] Conjuring strong winds and striking down with thunderous lightning bolts, those are mainly what this magic uses. Air magic is often used in quick skirmishes, as spells falling under this type of element are mostly the quickest of all. [i]Earth:[/i] An element that encompasses pure defense, earth magic boasts unparalleled toughness and endurance. While there are a lot of offensive spells, earthen mages prefer to rise shields and walls of stone to parry incoming attacks, and counter-attack from these. [u]Elements of Creation:[/u] [i]-Light:[/i] Often considered the Element of Life, light magic is all about unraveling secrets, banishing darkness and doubts. Unlike Life magic, light element does not heal, but is especially dangerous to being made of darkness and evil. [i]-Darkness:[/i] The opposite of Light, Darkness is the other half of Creation. This element shrouds everything in enigma, confuses those who can’t understand its nature. Unlike Death magic, Darkness does not drain life force away, nor can it be used for necromancy, but it is especially useful to conceal oneself. [/hider] At this point in life, Allen has the control over his spells much like an advanced Novice. As a matter of fact, he is nearly as skillful as a Journeyman with every element of his magic. While his magic does seem uncontrolled and rough on the edges, it is mostly because of his vast understanding of magic and his ability to use all the aspects of Elemental Magic he is being considered near Master rank. Most of his teachers tell him that should he attain Journeyman control over all of his spells, he would be granted Mastership. While most would consider about studying more about a single element and making it stronger, Allen goes further into versatility and is currently learning how to merge elements together. For now, he has absolutely no control over fusing elements together, and as such his attempts to do so have proven to be very chaotic, dangerous even. But his attempts have proven to get better, and is another reason the masters consider the young man near graduate. [color=6ecff6][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] Several spell tomes, most of which he has written himself, containing knowledge about each element of Elemental Magic, theorems about the existence of Elemental Magic, and fundamentals on magic. But all of these tomes are securely hidden at home. Those tomes are so heavy by themselves that it would be impossible to walk around with this many at all times. Also, Allen has a pet fox, or rather a familiar would be the better to term to use for it. Going by the name of Kyuu, the white fox is an extension of Allen’s goodwill. It possesses intelligence near of a human, but it can’t speak, nor write. However, it has very sharp senses, and seem to detect whether someone is good or ill-intentioned. In cases of good-willed individuals, Kyuu will seem to grow fond of those people, while encountering bad people will make her hide in Allen’s jacket, snarl or outright spit at such people. [color=6ecff6][b]Biography:[/b][/color] For as long as he can remember, Allen always was by himself, his only friend being the white fox that followed him around no matter where he went. The young man never knew his parents, nor did he know much about his early life. He only assumed that he was abandoned because he was “different” from most people. From a very young age, Allen learnt how to survive all by himself. He had learned the rough reality of an everyday worker ever since he was the age of 6. While he did not do much, his young self worked hard to be able to feed himself and his fox pet. It has been like that until he turned 7 years old. One day, as he was camping out in the wilderness in order to gather some ingredients for the local mages, he was attacked by a bear. Only a mere child, death was all but assured. However, just as the animal was about to maul him, a cloaked figure interposed itself. He did not see what had happened, but the bear quickly fell, as if it had died of a panic attack. His savior was none other than the woman who would’ve become his master. Whether it was an act out of pity, a simple act of generosity, or something she had seen in the boy, the traveling lady took the boy as her apprentice. For a whole year, they had traveled far and wide, until their steps would lead them to Breakfast University of Magic. While not officially invited to the prestigious establishment, it would seem that Allen’s master was a figure of importance, securing a special permission for the boy to stay at the academy with her until the day he would be able to use his magic efficiently without her aid. Then, just like that, Strauss was left behind by his master only the day after he had been admitted into B.U.M. Ever since then, Allen had taken example of his master and worked hard every day to hone his magical talents. Not only would he try to live up to his master’s expectations, but he would also try to do the same thing she did to him, teach as many promising students as possible about the wonders of magic, and how to strive in this cruel reality using all of their potential. [color=6ecff6][b]Master:[/b][/color] Allen’s master has always been a mystery to him. She rarely ever spoke of herself, and besides teaching the young man, she rarely ever spoke to him at all. However, Strauss had learned that his mentor was just like him, a scholar of multiple schools of magic. However, she was more than just a master, she had terrifying control over both Life and Death, proficient at both healing the injured and bringing painful death upon her foes. Allen never knew the reason she took him as an apprentice, nor why she suddenly decided to leave him behind at the university. Actually, he felt like he was holding her back from her own plans, which would explain why she left him as soon as he manifested a hint of independence in his studies. Even though his master is shrouded in mystery, Allen will always be grateful for having taken care of him, and showing him the right path to take in life. [color=6ecff6][b]If[/b] Allen [b]was forced to sacrifice something important in order to move forward, it would be:[/b][/color] His love for humanity. With the current goal he has set in life is the pursuit of being the greatest Magi in the world, then he would be ready to cast away his humanity, his love for others and hope in humankind in order to reach his dreams. [color=6ecff6][b]If[/b] Allen [b]was offered to have a single wish fulfilled, it would be:[/b][/color] To be one with magic. Simply put, he wants to understand magic at its fullest and be able to use any kind of magic. In the end, he has the ambitious dream of becoming a being of ultimate magic. [/hider]