[quote=@Riffus Maximus] [@Rune_Alchemist] Seeing Viola is on her 2nd year, Allen is like overly social and they are both journeymen, perhaps would they be more than acquaintances and more like partners in crime or maybe even good friends. I like the field trip idea. I can imagine their curiosoty and eagerness to study magic would've brought them into troubles. If it's Viola's style, they could've even spar each other once in a while to put what they have studied together into practice. [/quote] That's quite possible, but I'm going to have to keep Viola as a Novice for now. Simply put, the only reason she is, is because of a lack of experience. Which also is a reason she wouldn't exactly be one to spar if she had to. She isn't a mage that can fling fireballs or spew lightning. She has to actively seek out spirits, or has to be in a place where there's one or two of them to be able to fight. Nature spirits tend to shy away from heavily populated areas I'd imagine, and any other form of spirit such as demons and the like are likely too risky to just summon without a good reason. Does this put her at a great disadvantage? Certainly, but she's going to be summoning/directing types of Undine, Ifrit, and other beings said to be close to be low-class deities, so in the long run she's [i]probably[/i] going to be pretty dang powerful. That is, unless she's contracted a spirit, then she'd be capable of using it at any time she wanted. Which is something I am going to probably resolve quite quickly at the start of the RP. She's [i]probably[/i] going to ask to sneak into the forest with him. Heh~ Of course, I'm just going off my own speculation here, if the GM says differently, I can definitely work around it~