[center][img] http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/cooltext120130320062345_zpszewpgnd8.png [/img][/center] Rain noticed Andro's full body shiver, her mind easily mistaking it for that. [color=skyblue]"Really? Is that because your a gorgon or is that a you thing?"[/color] She asked, her lips twitching into a ghost of a smile. [color=skyblue]"Sorry, I'm just looking for perspective...to a were, just the idea of not being able to eat much is kind of unnerving"[/color] She kind of hoped she'd get an answer but once Andro started talking about her past, the werewolf all but forgot about her question. It seemed irrelevant now anyway, Rain was glad that Andro didn't seem to mind her hand. Even more so when she actually leant into it, a part of her wondered if it was because the heat of her palm was sinking into the coat but the other hoped it was because she understood the notion behind it. The werewolf glanced down at Andro with a raised eyebrow as she went still, wondering if she'd crossed the line, even if she had she wouldn't have retracted her words. [color=skyblue]"...At least you did"[/color] Rain murmured, giving Andro's a light squeeze before she pulled her hand back. There was more to her statement than met the eye, the way the words left her lips in a wistful sigh, the tenseness that settled around her eyes. No sooner had it appeared it was gone and they'd moved on as Rain got to her feet. What Andro said to her next all but stopped her in her tracks though. Her eyes dropped to the ground as her jaw tightened, her brow furrowed further as she listened. The defeated ring to the speech, figuratively got Rain's hackles up enough for her eyes to flash angrily as she looked back up at Andro, her lips parted in preparation to berate the gorgon for her words. Had their eyes met it might have halted those words in their tracks, instead the werewolf was treated to a reflection of herself in Andro's sunglasses. Purple eyes glowing, fangs visible between her lips, anger etched into her expression, it reminded her where she was in the cycle. Her anger was misplaced and after a sharp reminder to control her emotions better, she bit her tongue and allowed a small rumbling growl to pass through her chest. Afterwards, she was quiet for a long moment as she digested Andro's comment properly. [color=skyblue]"It isn't fair..."[/color] Rain murmured after a moment [color=skyblue]"I can't go through this again Andro. I can't be responsible for another death"[/color] Confusing words perhaps, but what Rain couldn't express was the sense of responsibility she had over their situation. If Andro didn't make it, it would be Rain's fault and her fear of failure ran as deep as Andro's fear of being alone. It wasn't just that of course, there were other confusing thoughts thrown intot he mix. The werewolf was also struggling to see the significance. To her people once the jig was up, the spirit left the body, the body became nothing more than a husk, a degrading memory. It was no longer important, no longer that person. Her people valued the rites of maturity far more than the body, they would gather them after battles, make perilous journey's to retrieve them. A part of her struggled with the concept of what she was being asked...such dark thoughts weren't helping her cope any better with their situation. As her thoughts bubbled in her mind, she subconsciously reached up to finger the braid tucked between her ear right ear, the action for the most part was hidden from Andro because she was on the left side of the werewolf. Realising what she was doing, Rain retracted her hand and more confusing thoughts pressed in on her. With a sigh she got to her feet, rolled her shoulders and she looked out at the blizzard raging just past the mouth of the cave. [color=skyblue]"So the only way I can promise to not leave you, is if you promise to do the same"[/color] The werewolf looked back over at Andro's sunglasses. [color=skyblue]"There's only one way we're getting out of here together"[/color] Perhaps it was harsh. Why couldn't Rain just bury her pride and give her word? Why couldn't she give Andro the comfort she sought? Like most things surrounding Rain it was a mystery why, yet very much like her. [color=skyblue]"Listen, this fire isn't going to last much longer, I've got to go get some more wood"[/color] She looked over at Andro before, pressing her palms together, slowly pulling them apart to reveal a small sphere of luna energy between them. With a small smile, she tapped the ball into the air. An eery blue tinged light, spread about the cave, funneling out of the bottom of the sphere. The sphere pinged back and forth, seeming to search any crevices it could find before it came over to Andro. Inquisitively flying over the top of her before floating near her head, clearly content as it drifted back and forth. It was close enough to her that she could feel the heat coming off of it. The heat left much to be desired, it was better than the brisk air around the cave. [color=skyblue]"Try and get some rest whilst I'm gone...Glitch here will keep you company until I get back"[/color] Rain offered, at the mention of it's name the small sphere, released an odd tinkling noise and whizzed round in a tight circle. Glitch, talk about scraping the barrel, but it was clear Rain hadn't thrown a lot of thought into the name of her creation. Once this was said the werewolf turned and disappeared out into the snow storm. Not due to return for a fair few hours. [center][b]-A few hours later-[/b][/center] When she did come back, she busied herself by adding wood to the fire and laying out branches on the floor -across from Andro- like a blanket. There were patches of pink grazes adorning her skin where she'd been injured by the flurrying snow but even in the dark glow of the cave it was clear to see they were healing, if not slower than usual.