[center][h1][color=D09A57]Jackson Tanner[/color][/h1] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/a473b16987b7f5335b41339658cbaf59/tumblr_o80lxs9RrX1spwd06o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=D09A57][b]Location:[/b][/color] Medical Bay[/center][hr] Jackson couldn't help but smirk at Anisa and Gideon's little exchange, despite what flaws he may have had, the younger mechanic always got the ship up and running and right as rain. He was good at what he did, and generally able to handle whatever issues arose, if that wasn't the case he figured they certainly wouldn't still be flying as well as they were. Not that they were flying at that exact moment but that was the point, Gideon would surely remedy that soon enough. Continuing to keep a careful grip on Anisa as they moved through the ship, he was particularly careful as they got outside. Hearing about the deal with Brutus' boot, he wouldn't have been surprised if another man's jacket had a built-in land mine of sorts as their gaze shifted upward, catching sight of the shuttle as it took off. Jackson shrugged and shook his head to Anisa's question, having missed Genevieve's first comm, though a short while after she had left their sight, an almost comically short amount of time at that, her second one came through which he did notice, rolling his eyes. [color=D09A57][b]"Well, we gots more things to do now."[/b][/color] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=FF2F2F]Gregory Quinn[/color][/h1] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/5c4bdc16083899ae152b4c5082d641e8/tumblr_neapbd9y3f1rb5kh3o4_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=FF2F2F][b]Location:[/b][/color] Lounge (Sealed Off)[/center][hr] Turning his gaze toward Foy as the man began to speak, Quinn crossed his arms over his chest idly to listen, tapping his fingers rhythmically against his bicep as he focused on what Coiffeur was saying. For the most part he was silent, simply taking in what he was saying and suggesting, only piping up in one instance as his eye twitched somewhat in near-rage. [color=FF2F2F][b]"Captain Quinn."[/b][/color] He corrected as his first name was used, he'd only ever tolerated one person calling him 'Greg' in his life and he certainly wouldn't tolerate it from some contractor who in his eyes was just about as much as a two-bit gangster with a government pension. Before he could respond to anything else however, Jahosafat spoke up again, Quinn turning his eyes over to the man to listen to him. He sighed softly and hid his irritation as Camilla was brought up again, he preferred to avoid any discussion over her that he could, keep it to a minimum, but for now that seemed impossible. He otherwise simply gave the man a nod, moving to the intercom by the door as he cleared his throat firmly, activating it as he spoke calmly into it. [color=FF2F2F][b]"Carla Lobo to the Lounge, immediately."[/b][/color] His voice carried a chill through the ship, sending a shiver down the spine of some of the less well-attuned staff. Stepping back away, he clasped his hands behind his back once more and turned toward the men, flashing Foy with a look before his gaze focused on Jahosafat once more, remaining as cold and professional as always.