[Center][h3]Liam Pyne[/h3][/center] Liam was all but taken from his feet by the blast of telekinetic force but his own natural abilities acted as a buffer preventing his from being hurled like a rag doll. Trying to determine what had happened was a rather difficult endeavour as he realized there were at least two people screaming. The bigger problem was that there was a high pitched noise in his ears and it kept reverberating as though the walls of the gym had bounced it again. Staggering to his feet Liam peered at the gym as he worked his finger in his ear as though to dispelled the ringing. Looking from Ashleigh to Allister and finally Paulina he realized what it was that was ringing in his ears. It had nothing to do with the mortal world and had everything to do with how Ashleigh’s scream had affected the spirit world. Looking around he could see in horror as the ghosts he had called contorted in pain at the echo that was still rippling across the spirit plane. “Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.” Liam’s eyes continued to bulge as spirits that would normally have just been curious at his summons began to contort in anger and pain. The psychic scream of pain and Ashleigh’s conversation of Alister’s pain had sent something bouncing into the spirit realm Liam had never seen before. Arty was laying on the ground twisted in upon himself and Annemarie was now fully covered in her burns. The hairs on the back of Liam’s neck stood on end and he slowly turned to look at Elaine hoping she had shielded the outsider inside her. He wouldn't have been surprised if it had gone berserk. “Paulina, Korea, Alister, everybody. Y’all might want to get the hell out of here. The spirits world is getting ready to unleash Armageddon in here.” [@Thundercrash][@Caits][@KiritoAsuna][@Rune_Alchemist]