[center][hider=Mikael Whitaker] [color=gold][h1][b]Mikael Whitaker[/b] | 24 | Male [/h1][/color] [color=gold][h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]Mikael's slim figure stands tall at around 6'0" (182 cm). He has short and slick brown hair, always combed to be on point. The sight of his piercing green eyes is assisted by black-framed glasses with thick temples and very thin rims in contrast. As per clothes, he usually prefers black suits and other formal outfits, often complimenting the style with fitting ties and shirts. An affluent businessman from head to toe, he carries himself with pride wherever he goes.[/indent] [color=gold][h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]When it comes to high horses, Mikael only rides the highest-esteemed and greatest-pedigreed mounts. In other words, he is incredibly self-important, taking pride and confidence to a level many find obnoxious if not overwhelming. And just like how in the olden days riding the decorated white stallion signified a position at the top, he too believes that he is destined to stand above and lead the rest of the common folk. Though as much of a natural leader as anyone in his wealth and position, he is not a man of honeyed words and hopeful promises. He is very straightforward, outspoken and unafraid to order people around and tell them exactly how things should be. Those who have the privilege of hearing such ‘advice’ from the man are expected to take it to heart—after all, it is almost certainly the best possible course of action in any given situation. He rarely displays emotions other than indifference or annoyance, though that is not to say he hides them well or anything like that—he simply does not feel much else when in the presence of other, [i]inferior[/i] people. Most of his words and deeds have ulterior motives and are often part of a greater scheme, the details of which he never bothers sharing with anyone, unless absolutely necessary. All this gives off a very condescending aura about him, which he only considers partly correct. There is no malice, no petty hate behind his words—he just [i]knows better.[/i] [/indent] [color=gold][h3][b]Backstory[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]Mikael was born and raised to be a worthy heir—not to a kingdom, though something rather similar. The massive conglomerate that was the Whitaker & Frasier Group was the family's fief, led by his ageing father, Chairman Leonard Whitaker. Though the old man could foreseeably still control the corporation for a few years, if anything catastrophic was to happen, Mikael would be ready to step right in. Being an only child as it was almost traditional in the family, he had no equal to grow and eventually rival with: he only knew subordinates and higher-ups. As the years went past—for he was thrown into the business world while still in high school—, the numbers of the former grew steadily, while the latter decreased until as CEO he only answered to his father and treated the rest of the company...appropriately. The cutthroat corporate world formed him into who he was today, and he had no regrets about that. Rather, he was extremely proud of his intellect and confident that he had the skills necessary to commandeer a world-leading conglomerate. However, even the busiest businessmen could not handle the heat of work—especially when one had to be concerned about not only their own work, but that of thousand others—without a break every now and then. Encouraged by his father who saw potential business opportunities in such a trip, Mikael soon purchased a first-class ticket to [i]The Azure Sundown[/i] and its soon to be starting journey.[/indent] [color=gold][h3][b]Skills/Talents[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]The arrogant behaviour Mikael regularly displays is not without merits to back it up. He is a very well-read man and possesses a lot of knowledge in all the fields relevant to his work, while maintaining general awareness in the other topics that are relevant for the world. He is also very rarely seen truly angered—though some say he takes ‘annoyed’ to a whole new level—and is able to retain his composure in even intense situations. His whole being is polarising: while his supreme confidence and forcefulness make many people do his bidding without too many questions, others might find him too controlling and even repulsive. Despite this, he genuinely believes that he is more capable of leadership than any of his peers and and will put his skills to use if the people are willing to let him.[/indent] [color=gold][h3][b]Equipment[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]He had brought almost everything needed for the time of travel onboard with himself, not trusting the cruise's crew to be able to provide the same standard of living he was used to. While not residing in his quarters or the ship library, he moves rather light: only carrying some spending cash in one pocket and his smartphone that keeps him in the loop in the other, sometimes also with a leftover book in hand.[/indent] [/hider][/center]