[color=yellow][h2][center]♪♫♪ Cecilia "Cici" Taylor ♪♫♪[/center][/h2][/color] [color=yellow][h3][center]Location: Central City[/center][/h3][/color] [@Zarkun] Cici woke up to an unearthly shriek. [color=yellow]"What the... Ow!"[/color] She whacked her head on the upper bunk as she sat bolt upright. Oh, right... She wasn't at her place. She was in one of the rooms at the Pokecentre. Beside the bed, the Whismur screeched at her. [color=yellow]"Forte? What's wrong?"[/color] she said, clambering out of bed, nearly falling over as the sheets got tangled around her legs. Forte stopped shrieking and sighed as if to say, "finally". [color=yellow]"Oh... okay..."[/color] Cici let herself relax a little as she glanced at the window. Sunlight streamed in through a gap in the curtains. [color=yellow]"You were just trying to wake me up, huh? Well, it certainly worked... oh, no..."[/color] Her relaxation was short-lived. Opening her Pokedex, she checked the time. [color=yellow]"Aw, crap..."[/color] She hurriedly showered and dressed, not even bothering to tie her hair back, letting the damp tangles straggle over her shoulders. Grabbing her bag and slinging her guitar across her back, she paid at the desk and left the Pokecentre, her two Pokemon following close behind. Ugh... The rush hadn't been enough to fully wake her. She badly needed her coffee, but there was no time to go to the Pokecentre's cafeteria. When she got to the sandwich shop, the person she'd arranged to meet was nowhere in sight. There was no point in worrying too much. Tommy didn't seem like the type who'd get annoyed easily and leave without her. Maybe he was late too, or she just hadn't noticed him yet in her dozy state. After ordering a coffee, she dragged herself to one of the outdoor tables and slumped down into a chair. She sipped at the liquid, hoping it would make her feel more like a human being and less like a Slaking under the effect of a sleep-inducing move.