[@Ninian] [@Light Lord] [h3][color=fff200]Fuse the Luxio[/color] and [color=39b54a]Breeze the Shaymin[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Town Square][/b] The bright flash of light faded, and now the group was back in Folio Town, the Town Square to be exact. It was quite devoid of life, but that was understandable considering the time. A few houses and shops had darkened windows, with no light in sight. Others has faint glimmers of light, save for the Guild, which was lit up like a Rapidash. [color=fff200]"That's right... wasn't there something big going on up at the Guild this week? That dance troupe, right?"[/color] He said, making sure Breeze was still on his back. [color=fff200]"I don't want to ruin the whole Guild's mood tonight, if that's the case... I'll take Breeze in the back way, you see if you can get Glyph. Be casual about it, too. Okay?"[/color] He asked, looking at the shadowy imp's gem eyes with his own. [h3][color=f7941d]Ember the Quilava[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Eastern Residential District][/b] Ember was just putting the dishes up when she glanced out the window, spying two shapes trying to peer in a nearby window. [color=f7941d]"What the..."[/color] She said as she sat the last dish down and moved over to the window. Her eyes slowly adjusted, and she finally made out the shapes of Lilisette and Devon. [color=f7941d]"What are they doing?!"[/color] She said, darting to the door and storming out. [color=f7941d]"WAIT! Don't peek in there!"[/color] She yelled at the duo, dashing over to them. [color=f7941d]"Are you nuts?! You do not want to look in there... in this house lives the crankiest old Pokemon you'll ever meet... he has a bad side worse than mine."[/color] She said. Sighing that she had just avoided a possible war, she looked back at the duo. [color=f7941d]"So what are you two doing out here this late? I thought you went to the Guild..."[/color] She said, tilting her head curiously.