Paulina's encasing warmth, both physical and emotional, comforted and spread over Ashleigh, and she moved into both, reached out to wrap her arms tightly around her friend, she let Paulina's emotions swamp her. She gave a soft sigh, and might have fallen asleep right there, leaning against Paulina, but Liam's words sent a shiver down her spine. She opened her eyes, her gaze going to Vivi, who seemed to be struggling, looking about in horror, Ashleigh saw the destruction she had caused, She saw that she had knocked many people over, had sent things flying. She had apparently affected the spiritual world, and now it looked like she had broken a friend. [color=f6989d]"Vivi..."[/color] Concern radiated strongly through Ashleigh, perhaps effecting Paulina at such closeness, and she managed to wriggle away. Not trusting her own legs, Ashleigh staarted to crawl towards Vivi, knowing it was her fault this had happened. If she had just had better control, it wouldn't have happened. She had n idea what had happened. The pain had just seemed so overwhelming...her body had reacted out of instinct. Maybe...Maybe Alister and herself resonated against one another? It didn't make sense to Ashleigh. [color=f6989d]"Vivi...I'm sorry"[/color] She reached out to touch her friend, but at the last second, she pulled away, looking down at her hand shamedly. She had done this, and she didn't think she could fix it. Only make it worse. She bowed her head, her arms shaking, [color=f6989d]"I'm sorry, I didnt mean to do it..."[/color] The words [i]please don't hit me[/i] nearly escaped her mouth, although she knew Vivi nor Paulina would ever strike her. [color=f6989d]"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"[/color] [@Stern Algorithm][@Thundercrash]