[center][h3][b] Raven Heartwood - Central City[/b][/h3] [@Dusksong][/center] A surprsingly friendly voice cordially informed Raven [i]Fletching: These friendly Pokémon send signals to one another with beautiful chirps and tail-feather movements. [/i] [i]Piplup: Because it is very proud, it hates accepting food from people. Its thick down guards it from the cold.[/i] Raven lauged a little at Piplup's Pokedex entry. [b]"Aw come on, accepting food from people isn't that bad."[/b] It seemed awfully pointed at the moment but that was alright. Lesiy's request didn't even faze him, [b]"Certainly, as the challenger its my duty to accept your stipulations! Plus your Pokemon are kinda cute. Guess they take after their owner."[/b] He said with a confident wink. Oliver looked over the two Pokemon it would be facing and a smirk briefly passed over his face, as those he was completely confident he could beat a undersized bird and a penguin. Raven was pleased to see Oliver wasn't backing down from the challenge, this meant they could both face it with full force!