[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color][/center] Leisy colored at Raven’s joke but quickly recovered herself, calming her mind. The battle was about to start, and she couldn’t afford any mistakes like the one she’d made with the Clauncher yesterday. Looking down at her Pokemon, Leisy was relieved and reinvigorated to see that they both looked determined and up for the fight. [i]Two against one shouldn’t be against my favor,[/i] Leisy thought, glancing to the opponent’s Eevee. Although the mammal Pokemon looked bigger in size and weight than Bidein, Leisy knew that most battles weren’t won by brawn but rather by brain and skill. [color=gray]”Let’s do this, Bidein, Naunet,”[/color] Leisy said, walking away from Raven to open up a respectable distance for the Pokemon battle. [color=gray]”Ready when you are!”[/color] Leisy said, looking first to Naunet. [color=gray]”Naunet, time to test out your skills.”[/color] [hr] [@eklispe]