[quote=@gohKamikaze] I'm actually really happy this is a thing; I had a character I worked really hard on who barely saw the light of day in the last RWBY RP he was in. I'm going to recycle him, if that's okay? [hider=Daedalus Ivory][center][H1]Daedalus Ivory[/H1] [h3]Age:[/h3] [s]21[/s] [b]17[/b] [H3]Gender:[/H3] Male [h3]Race:[/h3] Faunus (Elephant traits) [H3]Appearance:[/H3] Daedalus stands at an impressive 6"8' with a very broad, muscular physiche. Years in the harsh Vacuo sun has given his skin a deep olive complexion, which despite his age has weathered to give a subtle hide-like texture. His eyes are a mixture of brown and gold, while his face is long and square-jawed. In terms of hair, Daedalus' head is covered in long brown locks while his face sports a short and well-kept beard. Other than his size, Daedalus' major Faunus features are the two large bone-white tusks that protrude from his face. His clothing style could only be described as 'rugged', usually favouring sturdy working or exploring clothes over more formal attire. [h3]Nationality:[/H3] Vacuo [h3]Personality:[/H3] Daedalus prides himself on his compassion and determination - his family taught him the values of hard work and of humility, especially in the face of great hardship. As a result most people who meet him know him as a big softie, always friendly and jovial. Although possessing incredible aptitude for combat in the field, Daedalus only ever resorts to fighting when all other avenues have been exhausted. This occasionally gets him into trouble, as less charitable folks tend to take advantage of his kind-hearted nature. [h3]History:[/H3] Even though the Faunus Rights Wars ended long ago, the scars of conflict refuse to heal. This was was blatantly apparent throughout his childhood to Daedalus, whose family experienced racial trauma for much of their lives. Having been shut out of much of the job market due to their Faunus heritage, the Ivory family worked as a team of builders and labourers - it was difficult and physically demanding work, but it was an honest living and it kept a roof over their heads and food on the table. His parents, Metion and Europa, maintained extensive ties to the local chapter of the White Fang for years and would often take Daedalus and his younger brother Perdix to meetings and rallies. For much of his schooling at Oasis Academy in Vacuo, Daedalus had few friends outside a handful of other Faunus and was often the object of ridicule by his Human peers. Many days were spent alone, hiding away in secluded areas to avoid the constant taunting and abuse from Felix Princeton, the local bully, and wishing for the day that the White Fang's dreams for peace would become a reality. When Perdix eventually started out at Oasis, he vowed to him that he would protect him at all costs - like the Hunters and Huntresses from the White Fang did for all Faunuskind. This quickly led to trouble, as Daedalus became increasingly involved in fights and scuffles in the Academy. It was after class one day when Felix and his crew cornered Perdix and began to torment him. Daedalus was busy finishing a prototype weapon for a school project and didn't even realize what was happening until half an hour later when he found Perdix, cut and bruised, crying out front of the Academy. Feeling upset that his older brother broke his promise to protect him, Perdix ran into a nearby canyon and hid in the adjoining caves. What Perdix and Daedalus didn't know was that the caves were a nesting ground for the creatures of Grimm, and that Perdix's sadness had awoken the usually dormant beasts. When Daedalus finally found him, Perdix had been bitten several times by a Taijitu and was rapidly losing blood. With his gauntlets, he was able to hold off the Taijitu and protect his brother long enough for a passing Hunter to arrive and slay the beast - but sadly it was too late. Perdix succumbed to his injuries and the Ivory family was left broken. Then the rumours began. Felix began to spread stories around the Academy that Daedalus had killed his brother. That he and his family were just animals with no conscience. That one less Faunus in Remnant was a step closer to a perfect society. Many of the humans at Oasis started to shun Daedalus more than usual - they whispered in the halls as he walked by and avoided getting too close lest they end up like Perdix. The story of Perdix quickly became a point of contention for the regional White Fang and sparked a surge in retributive rhetoric led by the more violent factions in the organisation. The usually peaceful meetings became divisive, with calls from the more militaristic elements for Faunus to take up arms and form militias against Humankind. Daedalus, in his grief-stricken state, took this violent ideology to heart and sought vengeance for his brother. He cornered Felix on his way to class and beat him savagely, only stopping when the teachers managed to restrain him. He was suspended from the Academy for several months. For his parents, the suspension was not just terrifying sign of their son's impressionable nature but also of the dangerous path the White Fang had begun to tread. They immediately cut ties with the organisation and spent Daedalus' time away from Oasis teaching, reminding and instilling in him the morals at the old White Fang's core: Humility, respect, charity, peace, and most importantly of all, mercy. Daedalus returned to Oasis a changed man. No longer was he violent and vindictive; rather peaceful and forgiving. He completed the last of his senior year and graduated from Oasis, securing a place at Vacuo's prestigious Shade Academy. Being so far away from home, Shade was like a new start for Daedalus. The large mixture of both Human and Faunus students from across the kingdom meant that prejudice against Faunuskind was not anywhere near as fierce as it was back home, and the distance meant that he was able to leave many of his regrets and mistakes far, far behind him. With no-one possessing preconceptions about who he was or what he'd done, he was able to make friends and quickly gained a reputation as the go-to man if you needed someone to help out or talk to. He excelled in practical examinations and quickly found himself amongst the top ranks at Shade. But despite his newfound success, he never truly forgot or let go of what happened back at home. Deep down he continued to blame himself for the death of his brother, and it drove him harder than ever to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. [h3]Weapon:[/h3] [b][i]Fervent Sentinel[/i][/b] - Massive gauntlets that cover Daedalus' entire lower arms, with contoured guards that allow him to deflect blows away from his body. The left forearm features a concealed buckler that can extend and retract at will, while the right forearm has a blaster with two ammo types: dust-infused crossbow bolts, or darts tipped with various serums (these darts could theoretically be lethal, but Daedalus only carries non-lethal rounds). It can chamber 8 rounds of either at a time, but requires time to reload or change ammunition types. [h3]Semblance:[/H3] Daedalus' semblance turns his aura and body as hard as stone, giving him an incredible boost to his strength and fortitude. The drawback of this is that he loses most of his agility and becomes slow, and maintaining this state for extended periods of time requires intense mental and physical exertion. [h3]Strengths:[/H3] Daedalus finds it easy to make friends and is great at thinking on his feet and coming up with practical solutions for practical problems. He often goes out of his way for others, even those he's never met. He also holds the current Shade student record for the most amount of peanuts eaten at once: One hundred and fourteen. [h3]Weaknesses:[/h3] Daedalus' size makes him slow, noisy, and an easy target for attackers; while his almost pathological need to see the good in others is easily exploitable by those with Machiavellian inclinations. While not unintelligent, Daedalus works very much in the realm of the practical so the complexity of things like academia, high society and battle tactics are usually lost on him. Oh, and the irrational fear of mice doesn't exactly help either. [H3]Relationships:[/H3] TBA [hider=Other (Bonus content from the last RP!)] [h3]Fears:[/h3] Being a social pariah, hurting those closest to him, not being able to protect the innocent, broken promises, death... And mice [H3]Aspiration:[/H3] Daedalus became a Hunter in order to help the innocent and the incapable, and keep the peace across Remnant. Deep down though, his desire to join Shade Academy stemmed from his experiences of racism as a Faunus, and a subconscious need to not only be accepted by society but to also prove that Faunuskind aren't 'The Bad Guys' through his actions. [H3]Ethics:[/H3] Daedalus' approach to most things in life is usually 'Ask questions first, shoot later'. He believes that there is honour in kindness, especially when extended to one's foes. Violence should only ever be used as a last resort, and even then only enough to gain and maintain the upper hand - never more. His actions are shaped by what he believes will be the most help and provide the most joy and support to those around him. [h3]Combat Style:[/H3] Daedalus' fighting style is largely defensive. With a firmly planted stance, he uses his gauntlets to deflect attacks and fatigue any would-be assailants, while looking for openings to strike his foes with devastatingly strong blows - the intention being either disarming or incapacitating the enemy. At range, he prefers the use of ammunition that would put to sleep or trap enemies rather than kill them. [h3]Miscellaneous:[/h3] Daedalus carries a worn family photo with him everywhere. It helps to keep him grounded and reminds him of who he's fighting for.[/hider][/center][/hider] [/quote] Daedalus so far sounds like a cool character~ I hope Daedalus and Ignatius end up on the same team~ Ig and Dae need to form an ex-white fang group together~