[hider=The Real King of the Sea] [center] [h1]King Shark[/h1] [img]https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/disp/947a2a13972047.5627df7cedecf.jpg[/img] Quote: “GRAaaARGH" Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E5m_XtCX3c]Ocean man by Ween[/url] Name: MS-204 Alias: King Shark, The King of Sharks, The King Age: Human/25 Shark/67 Powers and Skills: Human-Shark Physiology- King Shark has many of the advantages of both humans and sharks. He has a great deal of strength, easily more than the strongest human on the planet but not nearly superman or wonder woman levels. He can lift around 2 tons with a great amount of effort but can be pushed to hit harder or lift heavier objects if sent into a frenzy. He has a great amount of stamina to complement his massive amounts of strength and also has some more natively fish like attributes such as rows of ravenous teeth, gills and the iconic dorsal fin. King can survive out of water for very long periods of time (up to a week) but has to have water in his gills at some point before that time to ensure he doesn’t ‘drown’. A unique bit of his physiology is his claws which are extremely sharp. He also has an amazing intellect (for his species) placing him on par with an average twenty year old human. . . generally speaking. Swimming- MS-204 retains his shark like ability to cut through water with grace an power. He is extremely skilled at long distance swimming using a mix of his natural endowments and human swimming practices. Weaknesses: Frenzy- If there’s a lot of blood getting sprayed around, the more bestial part of The King’s mind will take over and send him into a blind flurry of aggression while further enhancing his already powerhouse of a body but also making it harder to discern friend from foe. It takes either a lot of effort or for everyone around him to be dead, to calm down King Shark. Eye-Sight- Although its a myth that Sharks have bad eyesight, King Shark actually does to to complication from his transformation. He can see up to ten meters away before things get drastically blurry. Personality: The King fits the bill of gentle giant in ever regard except for the gentle part. While he normally has a pretty calm demeanour outside of combat but when it comes to fighting people can see the true ruthlessness of a shark with legs. When not fighting, King Shark’s favourite pass times are swimming, reading or watching spongebob. He is always eager to correct people when they say he’s a mutant human. Biggest Claim to Fame: How Long Have You Been in Prison: He’s been in captivity for a majority of his life. Brief History: King Shark was born as Marine Subject 204 in Hawaiian based government funded think tank. The goal of the think tank was to find an easier way of transferring genetic traits of one species to another. Most of the experiments ended horrifically but a few subjects managed to survive the splicing process and gained various human like attributes from the process. Eventually the whole project was shut down due to a clear lack of steady progress but most go the successful subjects were seized by the government to be used in other fields. MS-204 was one of those successful projects. Though King Shark’s mutation process wasn’t perfect, it was a lot better than many of his peers’ transformations. After being repossessed by the government MS-204 (nicknamed King Shark by his previous carers) King Shark was raised* to be a loyal soldier for the government’s use at a future time. Recently he’s been drafted onto Task Force X by Amanda Waller herself. Notes: [/center] [/hider]