[center][color=Ivory]Jaden Locke: Bitter Memories[/color][/center] [color=Ivory]"Isn't there anyway to speed things up, Wilfred, Clara's getting . . . [i]antsy[/i]."[/color] A tall man, his voice soft-spoken, yet deep, would speak to the keeper of his estate, an old fellow of what appeared to be 60 years or more, with a bushy beard that was kept in rather immaculate condition. The man himself was tall, his azure eyes filled with a gentle kindness, yet beneath it was a deep, raw, and poignant sense of worry for his charge. The older man simply shook his head, amazed at how his master could be so worried for that woman. In his opinion, he'd be more worried to whoever tried to lay so much a finger on her, lest she bite it off. She was such a harsh and, in his opinion, cruel woman that it made no sense why his master would keep her around. Well. . . besides one reason that he dare not speak aloud, lest he risk bringing another bout of self-loathing upon the poor lad. [i]He's lived centuries longer than I've lived, and yet, he still seems like just a poor young man wishing for his lost love to comeback to him. I wonder if he'll ever move on[/i] The old man's silent response brought a sigh from the tall young man, running a hand through his snow white hair, the light of a nearby streetlamp catching the small silver highlights that were woven into the ivory locks, his face scrunched into a frown as he thought about how Claire would react to the news he had to give. He'd wave somberly at Wilfred before changing direction, already knowing where she'd be. As he walked through the streets, doing his best not to let black dress suit get dirty as he walked around the more boisterious members of those who walked the night, as well as avoiding wandering to near any darkened alleyway, not needing to get caught by a group of hungering thieves looking for a target. He soon arrived at the beach, witnessing her standing their like a vengeful specter in that black dress of hers. Stepping out on to the sand from the boardwalk, he'd remove his own shoes and step out to meet her, making sure to grab the shoes she had abandoned as he approached, cleaning them off and making sure he had something else to look at when he gave the bad news. He didn't announce his presence, as with her abilities, she doubtlessly would've known of his approach while he was still on the street. [color=Ivory]"Clara, I don't know how to tell you this, but given some issues that were caused by some local vandals, we'll likely have to stay here for another few days . . . perhaps even a week, to make sure the damages are handled, fixed, and/or replaced. I'm truly sorry for bringing you here after so many years, but this needs to be handled. I do hope you understand."[/color] Azure sphere's would shift their attention between the shoes and their own every so often, but never having the courage to look for too long. He never knew what he could expect from Clara, and he only hoped that he hadn't got her at a particularly horrible time. Though considering everything that had happened to her here, it was likely that every time would be a particularly horrible time.