[hider=The Grayson Family][center][hider=Alex Grayson] [img]http://chinadailyshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Nice-old-white-guy.jpg[/img] [h1][b]Alexander Grayson[/b] | 53 | Male [/h1] [h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3] [indent]Alex stands six feet straight, with faded gray hair, thinning on his head. His build is that of the average blue-collar dad, with a bit of a gut but still healthy enough for 53.[/indent] [h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3] [indent]Alex is your typical loyal, faithful and caring father of his family. He is fiercely protective of his loved ones, especially his wife, Mary, and his youngest son Luke. As for Lindsay and Michael, he is still protective of them, but understanding enough that they're young adults and should be learning to take responsibility of their own actions.[/indent] [h3][b]Backstory[/b][/h3] [indent]A metal worker for most of his life, Alex sadly had to retire early when a heavy load threw out his back. He mostly spends his time doing wood crafts and selling them at yard sales to make [i]some[/i] sort of money to help his family. He was a blue-collar worker through and through, and it shows. Having worked in a shipbuilding factory for just about twenty years, Alex met his wife of thirty years when they were still studying in college. Happily married, they were both understanding enough about their jobs to not be concerned about their long absences from home. When their first kid, Michael, came around, both of them realised that they needed to start changing their lives for a proper family, instead of two working adults in a relationship. Mary slowed down her work while Alex continued to toil, and when Michael was of age for school, Mary took care of him. Then came along Lindsay. At that point, the two realised that they actually needed to settle down proper. Mary retired and kept to the home, while Alex stuck to smaller jobs after leaving the factory. They lasted for many years that way until Luke came along and came of schooling age. At that point, Michael was just about finished with college and was working to support the family, with Lindsay close behind.[/indent] [h3][b]Skills/Talents[/b][/h3] [indent]Alex is good with his hands, doing arts and crafts, and is very knowledgeable about metal work or industrial work. His hands are also very precise, able to do minute work without making too many mistakes.[/indent] [h3][b]Equipment[/b][/h3] [indent]A few changes of clothes in a travel bag Phone A baseball cap A pair of sunglasses Assorted toiletries A small toolbox, in which is a few tubes of acrylic paint, about five paint brushes of different sizes, and several small, blank, hand-sized canvas pieces[/indent] [h3][b]Other[/b][/h3] [indent]-[/indent] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Mary Grayson] [img]http://theaveragegirlsguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/IMG_4442.jpg[/img] [h1][b][color=lightblue]Mary Grayson[/color][/b] | 50 | Female [/h1] [h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3] [indent]Mary stands just a few inches shorter than her husband, at five nine. Her build is of a frumpy soccer mom, not a lot of muscle. Her hands are wrinkled and worn with age, and crow's feet line the corners of her eyes.[/indent] [h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3] [indent]The loving, soft mother of three, Mary is the picture of a successful mother. Once a real estate agent, now happily retired and a full time housewife, she takes care of her three kids at home, though two of them aren't really kids any more. She is also fiercely protective of her children and her husband, and will go to great lengths to make sure they are happy.[/indent] [h3][b]Backstory[/b][/h3] [indent]Mary worked as a real estate agent for a decade or two, happily married to Alex, her husband of many years. The two met in college, married right after, and got to work making sure their lives would be stable in the future. Currently she is a full-time housewife, taking care of the Grayson family home while making sure Luke and Lindsay get to school on time. She trusts Michael to be mature enough to wake up and go to work on his own.[/indent] [h3][b]Skills/Talents[/b][/h3] [indent]Cooking Cleaning Organising Quick mathematical calculations Being charismatic Sweet talk[/indent] [h3][b]Equipment[/b][/h3] [indent]Two travel bags Clothes Toiletries Laptop Phone A paperback novel (Under the Dome by Stephen King)[/indent] [h3][b]Other[/b][/h3] [indent]-[/indent] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Michael Grayson] [img]http://il8.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/1583476/thumb/4.jpg[/img] [h1][b][color=dodgerblue]Michael Grayson[/color][/b] | 28 | Male [/h1] [h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3] [indent]Michael inherited the best of his parents' traits; his dad's height and build, and his mom's eyes. He has his dad's strong, wide hands, and his build isn't bad either, for one who gyms a lot. He carries himself with humility, just like his dad taught him, and is often confused for being one of the slow, dumb ones, instead of a smart biotechnology bachelor holder.[/indent] [h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3] [indent]Michael is sweet, headstrong and confident, if a bit quiet. Though he likes to stick out for his friends, he tends not to talk a lot, mainly because he doesn't quite know what to say at times. If his family or his friends are in trouble, he will be the first to brave the flames to save them.[/indent] [h3][b]Backstory[/b][/h3] [indent]When Michael was born, he was the first of the Grayson children to test Alex and Mary on their parenting skills. Mike grew to be a big young man, being a part of his school's basketball team until he graduated. After that, he pursued a bachelors in biotechnology research, finished it, and then sought work as a lab tech but ended up as retail assistant for a few years. Currently he is taking a break from work to enjoy this family vacation on the Azure Sundown, along with his two siblings, Lindsay and Luke.[/indent] [h3][b]Skills/Talents[/b][/h3] [indent]Complex calculations Great understanding of the human body Athletic (Basketball experience)[/indent] [h3][b]Equipment[/b][/h3] [indent]Laptop iPod Phone Journal Pen[/indent] [h3][b]Other[/b][/h3] [indent]-[/indent] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Lindsay Grayson] [img]https://www.colourbox.com/preview/2645764-lovely-young-woman-in-casual-clothing-white-background.jpg[/img] [h1][b][color=pink]Lindsay Grayson[/color][/b] | 20 | Female [/h1] [h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3] [indent]Lindsay has her father's brown eyes and her mother's wide, beaming smile, and her soft hands. She stands five ten, in between her mother and her big brother, Michael. Lindsay carries herself like every college student would; with inherent stress, worrying about her assignments, but maintaining it under a bubbly, happy exterior that she projects to others around her.[/indent] [h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3] [indent]She's a happy-go-lucky, bouncy, perky student who never fails to find the joy in anything she's doing. Her family bonds are also very strong, as she believes that a cohesive, loyal family unit are stronger than anything else in the world.[/indent] [h3][b]Backstory[/b][/h3] [indent]Born eight years after Michael, Lindsay grew up in his shadow. Not as smart, not as doted upon, she struggled to cope with her studies, unlike Michael who was apparently a born genius. However she had her own skills as well, as evidenced by her high school grades, comparable with her brother's. She is currently studying in college, undertaking a degree in civil engineering. But the vacation was a good way to get her mind off of studies just for a while.[/indent] [h3][b]Skills/Talents[/b][/h3] [indent]Advanced mathematics General physics knowledge Charisma and cheer Typing Writing[/indent] [h3][b]Equipment[/b][/h3] [indent]Phone Assorted textbooks Journal Toiletries and clothes Sun hat Sunglasses iPad[/indent] [h3][b]Other[/b][/h3] [indent]-[/indent] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Luke Grayson] [img]https://3elydn392n5m3p35uv1mwipek8n-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/youngkid.jpg[/img] [h1][b][color=lightgreen]Luke Grayson[/color][/b] | 9 | Male [/h1] [h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3] [indent]Luke is a spitting image of his dad, complete with his slightly off-kilter grin and his deep brown eyes. He is still growing, and as such only reaches to a modest four feet in height and is relatively light for his age. As a child, he carries all the innocence and wonder of being a child.[/indent] [h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3] [indent]Naive and innocent, Luke has much to learn about the world. But more importantly, he wants to know if frogs are slimy. And why is the sky blue? He's playful, displays a sharp intelligence in learning new skills, and is an overall happy kid to be around.[/indent] [h3][b]Backstory[/b][/h3] [indent]Luke was born at the tail end of his parents' working lives, and as the last child he was doted on the most after Lindsay. He goes to grade school while his big sister studies in college and his big brother works at a cool store that sells clothes. It's his school vacation time right now, and he's excited to be on his very first cruise.[/indent] [h3][b]Skills/Talents[/b][/h3] [indent]Playing Annoying people Running around Burping[/indent] [h3][b]Equipment[/b][/h3] [indent]iPod A few kids books Clothes and toiletries A Bop-It toy Optimus Prime action figure [/indent] [h3][b]Other[/b][/h3] [indent]-[/indent] [/hider][/center][/hider]