[h1][center][color=39b54a]Daphne Pender[/color][/center][/h1] [hr][center]Location: Med Bay Area[/center][hr] She looked over at Dorothy and shook her head slightly. Daphne had no idea why she worried about things like that. Dorothy had proven herself more than once to be true to their cause. She wondered why it still bothered her. Looking down at the box in her hand, she didn't notice the preacher walk up to them. She hadn't even known that he was nearby, thats what she gets for not paying attention. Daphne looked over at him when he spoke. Once more she looked over at her sister, before she spoke to him, [color=39b54a]"It was in one of the med kits that I found down at the mine. Was about to head off and find the Captain, thought she might want to see it".[/color] [i]Well, no one could possibly think I'm a spy[/i], she thought to herself, kind of sarcastically. Daphne turned and glanced down at the boy who was still sitting there, and shook her head again. There wasn't much she could do on this ship unless it was in the air. She figured that she should leave the Med Bay and let Dorothy and Atticus get back to what they were doing before she showed up and they found the little box. [color=39b54a]"I'm going to go find the Captain, see what she makes of this. See ya later,"[/color] she said, and headed away from them. She needed to find the Captain, there was no telling what was inside of the box, and she was somewhat eager to find out.