Sin City. The glamor and lights brought a smirk to Dallen's face as they finally got to town. It felt like a place he could get used to, maybe in another time period, perhaps before the bombs fell. He looked over to the ghoul in the group as he lit up a cigarette and cracked his neck again. In a way he envied the ghouls, of how they got to witness the world the way it used to be. The way everyone these days were trying to make it look again, at least in this town. His focus shifted back toward the loud mouthed raider as she blew kisses toward a group of hookers. He sighed and rubbed at his temple. Great, not only was this girl loudmouthed and batshit crazy, but she was also a chem addict. He could tell by her movements, plus she was just downright truthful about it. Looking over the others, Dallen gave out an optimistic shrug. At least there was only one crazy person in the group. Then the other guy starting shooting off his recharger pistol. Dallen sighed again, finishing off his cigarette and flicking it off and away. Quickly he checked his magnum again, the pagans were kind enough to refill his chamber. Be it only 6 bullets, it was enough to get started. [color=steelblue] "We can do those things and find a lead on the Lazzari's at the same time," [/color] Dallen said. [color=steelblue] "Meet me at the poker tables in an hour, I might have a lead then. Or, don't." [/color] Dallen then made his way to the Shark Club to try his luck at some poker, while also hopefully finding out some information.