Just to clarify, are basically... any supernatural/fantasy/mythological race playable by us writers, for use as characters? Or is it limited to the list you have set? The hider below has quotes from what you wrote, just wanted to make sure. I ask because I am definitely interested (regardless of your answer to the question), but I've done a ton of world development (making cities, races, magicks, etc), so was just curious just how big the selection is. [hider=Quotes] [quote]Fae are basically any supernatural creature from any brand of folklore or mythology you wish to plunder. You are free to take liberties but try to maintain the essence of what the creature was meant to be You have a great deal of freedom when creating a character. You can make someone of any gender, sexuality, background, etc. Long as it's written respectfully. I will not accept characters with mental illnesses unless they are written correctly.[/quote] [/hider]