[h1][b][i][color=3333FF][center]Alcander Mires[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center] [h1] & [b][i][color=87CEFA] Amber May[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/4e6386d812032b91c73953f826fbd499/tumblr_o5pd8hwN1U1rqn31vo1_250.gif[/img][/center] [b]Interacting with:[/b] Each other A collab between [@POOHEAD189] [hr] [hr] She smiled at his reply, noting the hesitance. Was there a reason behind that hesitance? Or was that the thought of her own reasons coming up just playing with her? [color=87CEFA]”Travelling’s always good, ‘tis nice t’ see th’ world, aye?’[/color] she pursed her lips ever-so-slightly as she tried to think of a way to answer. Girl running away from her family wouldn’t really lead to a spectacular first impression. [color=87CEFA]”Travellin’,”[/color] she replies, [color=87CEFA]”An’ my job, when Ah’ve settled in, that is.”[/color] She gives him a smile, [color=87CEFA]”Ye been ‘ere long?’[/color] Al's eyes narrowed the tiniest bit at her hesitation, but his closed mouth remained. He couldn't tell what she was thinking, but she did have to think on it a bit. It amused him. [color=3333FF]"A little over a month. Got here in the middle of July. It's about as hot here as my home in the states though. I guess you're not used to the heat?"[/color] [color=87CEFA]"Definitely not,"[/color] Amber replies, running a hand through her brown hair. [color=87CEFA]"Ah've been 'ere once. Came for a uni trip. 'Twas Winter but it felt a Summer in Scoland. Ah'm still tryin' to decide if 'tis t' hot 'ere or t' cold in Scotland,"[/color] she chuckles slightly before continuing on, [color=87CEFA]"Ye from th' States, aye? Whereabouts?"[/color] [color=3333FF]"Florida." he told her. "Tampa. It's a city near the center of Florida."[/color] He lost himself in thought for a moment. [color=3333FF]"Are..."[/color] he began, not entirely sure how to ask. [color=3333FF]"Do you know these girls over there?"[/color] he asked Amber. He subtly pointed to Cass and Claire. He needed to know. How did all these girls from Scotland (or areas near) get here? Coincidence? Amber chuckled a response, [color=87CEFA]"Not unless ye count a small meetin' a bit earlier. Not if ye mean before coming 'ere at least. Didn' expect t' find other Scots 'ere to be truthful. Less of you 'Mericans you'd think there'd be with the amount of Scots. Why do ye ask, did they all come together?"[/color] [color=3333FF]"No reason."[/color] he said. [color=3333FF]"It just seemed like a big coincidence. I know there's only about 5 million people in Scotland or so. That's like, half the size of Florida. I just wouldn't have been surprised if you were Cass' younger sister maybe."[/color] He glanced at the two girls over there talking. Then again, either would be plausible. But she said no, so it's no. He knew Claire had never mentioned a younger sister, and Al hadn't talked to Cass much other than helping out a bit at the bar the other night with those idiots. [color=87CEA]"Ye know yer geography, ah will give ye that. Ah'm not muckle o' a geography peson beyond where paintings 'n' museums are 'n' where artists lived,"[/color] she replies. [color=87CEFA]"Ah do know 'Merica's much bigger than Scotland."[/color] she shrugs. [color=87CEFA]"Wha' do ye do for a livin'? Or will when ye finish travelling at least?"[/color] [color=3333FF]"I don't know."[/color] he said honestly. [color=3333FF]"Not a teacher. Maybe write books for nonfiction subjects. I'm studying philosophy and classics at the moment. Nearly done, but I'm taking awhile off before I finish and go on an adventure. India was the best place to go when I was thinking of where to travel."[/color] Amber seemed quite inquisitive, and adorable in a little sister kind of way. It was fun talking to her. [color=87CEFA]"Philosophy, aye? That mus' be interestin'! India's a nice place t' visit in my experience,"[/color] she replies, giving him another smile. She could tell they'd be fast friends, he was interesting to say something and seemed a genuinely good person.