It would be like something out of a tragedy if she was killed off just when the going got good for her ^^' Which isn't fair but the drama would be intense o.o Oooh, character development! :D Which is always fun ^^ Ouch though...her mother really is stone cold o.o' Oh? Did Oona die in the battle that ended up with the old Athalia being destroyed? I've killed a few characters here and there, none that were like my mains though <.< I mean the idea of Crash dying, just no ^^' The one I mentioned before was Mercy ^^' She's like Buffy at the moment, just keeps coming back xD Ah, thank you :D I feel a little better for going overboard then ^^ And thank you for getting that post up so fast! Please don't worry about speed though! Post when you can, no rush or anything ^^ On that note, I can't apologise enough for how long it took me to post last time T_T Juggling a few things at the moment that are draining my spare a good way but not so good way for posting speeds >.<