Masters of Fair Teluval [i]Teluval, or Fare Telu in the common language is a city built upon the ..[/i] [h3][color=lavender]Magic & Summoning[/color][/h3][hr] When a spellcaster wishes to perform a magical act, they are inviting creatures and beings from other planes to step into our own world, often malicious and evil. For this reason, spells are carefully constructed to create a desired effect and then send the being back to its own dimension. Sample Magics: [i][b]Baal[/b][/i] A leather-winged demon from a plane of fire, Baal's magic is concerned with growing, shrinking, withering and multiplying. [i][b]Baphomet[/b][/i] A horned goat demon from some fiery hell-plane, Baphomet is not to be trifled with. Surprisingly Baphomets magics are not concerned with fire, but rather binding and loosing. [i][b]Belphagor[/b][/i] Not much is known about Belphagor, but its magic is used for obscuring, hiding, revealing, or locating. [i][b]Mammon[/b][/i] An enormous giant from a distant plane, the magic of Mammon concerns wealth, money, prosperity and possibly luck. [i][b]Azazel[/b][/i] Azazel