Ninke certainly wasn't growing in confidence surrounded by the roudy and quite drunk Cadians, seeing as she had been foolish enough to remain sober, only a very minor buzz so far from the amasec she had been taking swigs of during her stumbling walk here. Even with her poncho on the cold night air made her skin ache where it met bionics, she shook ever so slightly and wanted to get closer to the raging fire... but all the Cadians jostling about made a barrier to her entry. Finally they all went still and Ninke was able to get a bit farther into the crowd, and saw why. One Cadian, a woman, was hacking away at one of those ork dog things on the spit that seemed to finally be roasting. After a couple swings she tore a large hunk of red meat from the big creature and triumphantly dug in, a cheer sounding from the surrounding men and women, who were now more than just Cadians, as they drew their own blades. a loud sort of pounding music started to be emitted from a vox nearbye as the woman announced they would 'be ahving a fucking party' to the drunk and enraptured crowd. As guardsemn joostled to get at the meat Ninke was again shoved aside, unready for the rush, and fell back. She hissed as she had landed on her right arm, irritating the harsh burns along it as she pushed herself back to her feet, feeling... defeated. She looked to the reviling group and wasn't sure she'd be able to... That was about when the woman who had so triumphantly stood at the pyre and cut off the first hunks of meat approached her, clearly the woman was drunk as he words were ever so slightly slurred, and Ninke's eyes widened as she grabbed her left arm, the bionic one and quickly let go. Ninke shyly held the arm close to herself as she was asked how new it was and far more gently held it. "N-new... very new joost a... ehm, couple days. I-its not my only one...", she said, gesturing sheepishly to her left leg as well. She looked at the womans bionic eye, how lucky she was to not have been killed by something hitting her in the face. "Ehm, how oold ees your's?", she asked, glancing hungrily at the slabs of meat the woman had taken from the squig. ([@Dannyrulx])