[hr] [color=ed1c24][H1]Gabanre[/h1][/color] Interacting with: [@Caits][@BlackPanther][@Vicier] [hr] When Gabanre tried mixing in with the group some of them left. Got back, He noticed some kind of tension between some of them, thus he tried to do something about it. So he said: [color=ed1c24]"Aron it was right? You are pretty muscular, are you strong too, if so would you like to do some sparring with me, since I came back from the Netherlands I havn't done any fighting at all. Ow yeah sorry I'm E3 at Krav Maga, thats why fighting."[/color] And he hoped that Aron would go in on that. Almost right after that he asked: [color=ed1c24]"FSo, does anyone need help with something?"[/color] His thoughts about the group so far we're, that most of them looked like cool people, and there was this cute girl aswell. He hoped to make a good first impression on the group, not like in the Netherlands that people thought he was unreachable.