From PM to Roleplay. [hider=Human Construct] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Charles [b]Age:[/b] Technically 9 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Year:[/b] Just Arrived [b]Rank:[/b] Novice [b]Room No.:[/b] 62-E [b]Personality:[/b] Mysterious yet Kind, very naïve and lacking information. [b]Magic Discipline:[/b] Magical Construct - The creation of magical constructs using the magic at his core he can manipulate and create magical constructs, from golems to magical tools, can even use his magic to create a 'Dungeon' a magical construct, among other things. Dungeon Master/Dungeoneering - The power to control a dungeon, when inside of a dungeon the user has created they have full control of their surroundings as long as they have enough magical power. A crystal core can be placed in the dungeon to generate extra magical power like a battery over time, fairly slow goes by a day to day basis. Within the dungeon the user can access a special menu with lists of various things they can create by using magical power both of their own and the dungeon's. This menu can have anything the user has knowledge of besides human life. If the user has knowledge of a specific item such as an iron sword he can use the menu to create one for magical cost and material cost, same for creatures that are enslaved to the dungeon and cannot leave it, even food can be made in such a way. This menu can also be used to design special attributes or perimeters to the dungeon should the user be experienced enough, such as having any creature inside the dungeon drop special ingredients that can be used in other magic, or alchemy. This power is unavailable unless the user is inside the dungeon they have created, and can't affect a room that 'invaders' are currently in. If the dungeon core is destroyed or have no means to gather any magical power for 24 hours then the dungeon will collapse spitting out any of it's occupants not created by the dungeon. If the master is cut off from the dungeon, goes to far from the dungeon, or can't control their power the dungeon will collapse. Enchanting - He can enchant objects with unique properities, from things he makes to random items, he doesn't yet know he can do this or has even tried. -Gained thanks to how his body is- Magical Repair - Thanks to his body he naturally can use magic to repair things, as he has done this unconsciously on his own body when ever it is damaged, depending on the injury would determine how long it would take, this even allows him to recover a lost arm, since his body isn't human. If controlled could also 'repair' people to an extent though would require a lot of power and time. Crystal Magic - By using crystals inside his body he can use any type of magic aslong as a crystal is filled with that type of magic, this is limited in it's uses by how much the crystal can hold, and his knowledge of the magic. Example: if a small crystal if filled with fire elemental magic, he would be able to use fire elemental magic by using the magic in the crystal, which would only last for some many uses. [b]Equipment:[/b] Various crystals in his body, His Core inside him at his center, various books in a bag he carried that he took from his master, as well as some money. [b]Biography:[/b] A regular farm boy Charles enjoyed his days exploring the forests around his family's farm, and taking care of the various animals there. Until he meet a strange man in the forest one day, who took him away and begun to teach him about magic. He studied various basic principles of magic under his master, even begun to create constructs with magic. That is until his master showed his true colors, his master started to teach him because he seen the talent in Charles, and seen him as a perfect experiment candidate. One day the master had put Charles to sleep using his own magic and begun the experiment, turning Charles into a rare if not the only Magical construct that closest matches a human but yet isn't a human. The process destroyed all of Charles' memories, all he was left with was instinct and his name. After the experiment.. Charles killed his master out of rage when he awoke, he didn't know why he felt rage or understood what rage even was, but he still acted apon it and killed his master for a deed he didn't even know happened. He took the books his master had along with other items he seen that could be important and begun a journey to find a place where he could learn what he is.. and what he could accomplish. [b]Master:[/b] Kael Talson - A master who was shunned by other magic users because of his experiemental ethics he would go to any lengths to fulfil his creations. Including turning a regular human boy.. into a construct. [b]If[/b] [Charles] [b]was forced to sacrifice something important in order to move forward, it would be:[/b] Thanks to his master he has already sacrificed everything, his body, his memories, everything important he has nothing left. [b]If[/b] [Charles] [b]was offered to have a single wish fulfilled, it would be:[/b] He wouldn't know what to wish for until he found something. [/hider]