[i] A long , long time ago the world ended and it restarted again and ended again and it continued for many , many times. Each time the Gods didn't do something right. They've always wanted to influence the decisions of their creations and each time they've failed. Now they've decided to try something new. Give their main creation the power to choose. Free will they called it. [/i] Thanks for reading the small , small description. The RP will be centered upon the lasting actions of our characters. Our characters will start in...let's say Neanderthal era and they'll have to make some changes that will have an impact on our characters from the next era and so on. Let's say one character will harness magic. In the next era magic will exist ( so will magical creatures etc ). Or. One character invents a prehistoric machine ( something like a robot , maybe ? ) , in the next era people will have those machines ( a better working version ) and so on. The whole "point" of this RP is to see what impact will an action have on the future. What would happen if you , would've talked with that guy/girl you've always wanted to but didn't have the courage to do so ? Maybe your whole life would've been changed. Maybe even the future itself because the action of one , always has an impact on another. We are all interconnected after all. [hider=CS] Name - Gender - Appearance - [hider=Stats] [i] These will be managed solely by the GM / Co-GM(s). Meaning we shall tell you when to update your stats. [/i] Strength - 1 Agility - 1 Charisma - 1 Intelligence - 1 [/hider] Era - Neanderthal ( this will be changed accordingly to the current era ) [/hider]