[center][color=f26522]Gredy Silvertongue[/color][/center] Things weren't adding up; If the Phantump belonged to the trainer in front of him, he was fairly certain that she would have at least understood what a pokeball was... the fact that she also seemed to be deeply afraid of him for being a trainer was actually kind of worrying for completely different reasons. Could the ghost pokemon have been abused by a trainer in the past and now was deeply afraid of being near another one? It was hard to say. The trainer Rua Zo surprised him somewhat with his willingness to actually head towards the police station; While it did add some weight to his story about being robbed by a pokemon a little, something about the whole situation seemed off and it put him on edge. Still, there wasn't much he could do besides lead the way... after picking up the dropped pokeball first of course. [i]"Why dont you have a partner yet?"[/i] It was a good question and Gredy shrugged a little as he answered "[color=f26522]My name's Gredy. As for why I don't have a partner yet... If you want me to be perfectly honest it's because I kind of want to earn my first pokemon via my own merit rather then just being given one to start with...[/color]" Reaching up to rub the back of his neck, he seemed almost... bashful about admitting that aloud. "[color=f26522]It's just... I guess I wanted to have a partnership built off a foundation of mutual respect with my first pokemon from the get go, you know?[/color]" "[color=f26522]How did you meet your Noibat? I wasn't kidding earlier when I said that you've down an amazing job of taking care of her. [/color]" Gredy asked quickly, starting up a new conversation before glancing at the Noibat in question. "[color=f26522]Did you pick out your outfit or did Rua? Because either way it looks absolutely fantastic on you.[/color]" While he was giving Rua and his Noibat most of his attention, he was glancing at the Phantump was well... hopefully having a normal conversation would help ease her fears and he could invite her into the conversation as well. [@Ashevelendar] [@Raijinslayer] [@TalijaKey]