[center][img]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/cooltext141339446595706_zps6fzmac2f.png[/img] [b]AND[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/LiQDDiW.png[/img] [color=00aeef]Ref[/color] [b] IN [/b] [b][color=fff200]AVALON CALLING PART TWO:[/color] [color=ed1c24]THERE BE DRAGONS[/color].[/b][/center] There was a rule, unwritten but often referenced: Where there are Champions, there are dragons. There is a reason to Wyrms, Wyverns, Drakes and Dragons appear in all the sagas to fight the man with the sword. It is because Dragons are beings of not only powerful magic, but boundless greed. They hoard everything, from gold to artifacts to knowledge. They are also intelligent enough to posses arrogance and completely despise lesser creatures. Enter the Champions, bringers of justice, warriors of virtue, the long arm of their Patrons law. And there were no bigger culprits, no worse criminals then the dragons who recognized no kings, no laws. And so, Johan swore like a sailor as he got his spear charged up. They were still drifting towards the shore like they were being towed in, but he saw that dragon take off. And he had no doubt it was going to fly their way sooner or later. Eva stared blankly at the Dragon soaring above them and thoughts of doubt streamed through her mind [i]No freaking way, nope, Magic, Demons, Ghosts, this is taking the biscuit out of everything I've seen[/i] [color=6ecff6]"I fucking hate Dragons..."[/color] He said as their boat reached the shore. "I am gonna lay down a tracking spell. You keep my back clear Alright. I have no idea what kind of creatures live here aside that dragon..." [color=00aeef]"Um, I."[/color] Eva stuttered her mind struggled to snap back to whatever reality she had been dropped into. [color=00aeef]"Oh just, Sodding hell. There's a Bloody Stonking Dragon, like. Like. I don't Bloody know how I'm supposed to respond to this. But fine, Arse everything! I'll keep them off ya with my grand personality yeah!" [/color] [color=6ecff6]"You got a sword don't you?! So sword them!"[/color] Johan shouted at her as he began to lay out rune carved bones and creating runes and circles in the sand around him. All the time muttering in odors as magic coursed trough him. The runes on his hands and his entire trench coat lit up like Christmas as power fluxed and surged around his feet. Even as he worked, he could see shapes in the thick mist, moving their way. The winged figure began to break through the fog, it's head was that of a Lion, but the body it was attached to was horrifying, bat wings and a snake tail. Eva had no idea what it was but it was making a bee line for them. "Good Evening!" The beast shouted sounding like a proper British Gent, before it's massive claws sprung out towards the two. "Forgive my rudeness, but I'm quite famished, and you two would go lovely with a simple balsamic glaze." The beast let out a roar. Before Eva could respond, tentacles shot out from Dicken's mouth wrapping around the beast and since it was swiftly coming in for the kill all; it didn't take much for Dickens to easily swallow the beast whole, even in it's diminutive state. Snapping bones and spurting blood as it was sucked down through Dicken's maws. [color=6ecff6]"You gotta be kidding me."[/color] Rune said, staring in terrified admiration. [color=6ecff6]"Can I have one of those?"[/color] He said as he finished the preparation for the spell. Eva stood just as stunned as Johan, she knew he'd eat practically anything but that; that was something else. [color=00aeef]"So. I'm gonna admit I didn't think he could do that. Good Boy?"[/color] Eva said as she rubbed the underside of his neck while Dickens stood content and happy with his meal. [color=6ecff6]"Well. The spell is ready. Stand back"[/color] Rune spoke as he stood in the middle of a very intricate circle. He raised his spears as he thundered out words of ancient Norse and a language few humans knew; the tongue of Frostelves, Feiylan. His spear lit up like a massive beacon for a second as the bones around him exploded into magic fire and the sand shifted at his feet. He kept chanting as beam cut trough the mist from the tip of his spear. Then the spell died and Rune staggered. A corridor had formed in the thick mist, and seemed to remain there. [color=6ecff6]"Trough that... path... is my rifle"[/color] Johan huffed. [color=6ecff6]"Using my magic here is really hard on me apparently."[/color] Eva beckoned and Dickens followed, as they stepped of onto the beach. [color=00aeef]"Okay,"[/color] Eva said crouching. [color=00aeef]"Time to grow."[/color] Dickens stood for a moment, as his body began to change, the tentacles that created his muscles expanded as he began to tower above them becoming the giant that he really was. [color=00aeef]"Let's take the fast route, yeah. Nothing says fast travel like a giant Alien T-Rex."[/color] Eva hopped on his back and reached a hand towards Rune [color=00aeef]"You getting on?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"uh... Yeah ok"[/color] Johan climbed up with some effort. As they set off, he marveled at the speed of the thing. [color=6ecff6]"I am getting one of these"[/color] He stated. [color=6ecff6]"It would make my life so much easier."[/color] Johan found that for the first time in a while, the cloud of self pity and anger was dissipating. He clung to the creatures back as they began to close on the massive tower they seen trough the mist. And that's when he saw the Dragon come swooping down at them. [color=6ecff6]"Fock..."[/color] With a sweeping force that could only be coma pared to a typhoon speeding past them; the force knocking them off Dickens and forcing him to stumble. The Dragon was something of a beast, even as massive as Dickens was it still outclassed him. It swung back around and let out a volcanic blast of fire melting the flesh right off Dickens. There was a roar of pain as it immediately began regenerating tissue wrapped around trunks of tentacles and Dickens grew even larger of all things. [color=6ecff6]"That is a goddamn dragon. Your alien pet can grow as big as it like, the magic nature of the dragon won't let it lose to it!"[/color] Rune spoke over the screeching, roaring and sound of ground scorching fire. [color=6ecff6]"It is your job as a champion, to put that thing down!"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Swell. Dickens!"[/color] Eva yelled, [color=00aeef]"Bring it down!"[/color] As Eva gripped Excalibur the Dragon came back round. [color=00aeef]"Johan! Until Dickens can bring it down, I'm pretty useless, unless you can make me fly, so if you can shoot spells or something, I'll leave ranged to you."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"What! This is your dragon dammit!"[/color] Johan yelled over the noise but none the less began to channel a spell through his spear. This one was rather straight forward as it only relied on his own innate magic and not his surroundings like before. Runes appeared like ghostly flames around the tip of his spear: Then as the beast made another sweep, he tossed the spear. The throw was half assed at best, but the spear shot off like a rocket,smashing into the Dragon. However, being innately resistant to magic, the Dragon seemed to be annoyed more then anything. It spit a single ball of magical fire at Johan who only barely managed to create a shield, throwing out a handful of stones and bones in front of him. [color=6ecff6]"Well shit. Those were all the shield runes I brought..." [/color] [color=00aeef]"MY Dragon!"[/color] Eva shouted back. [color=00aeef]"Unless you wanna ask it, I don't think it particularly cares which one of us it munches on, I mean yeah, I'll toss the sword, sure. That'll bring it down for sure.[/color] Johan's attack did naught but piss it off, thankfully as it swooped back around again Dickens was prepared to lunge at it, leaping over the tree line and clinching it's jaws around the Dragon slamming it to the ground. Dicken's maws dug into it's flesh, through the scales. But was on a whole ineffective. [color=6ecff6]"Your blade holds unparalleled lethality in this realm! As its champion, you posses the power to put down anything native to Avalon!"[/color] Johan shouted only to add [color=6ecff6]"I hope at least"[/color] He added more to himself then to her. The Dragon struggled with Dickens, continuing to scorch his ever regenerating flesh. Eva rushed up sword at the ready for a heavy over hand swing.[color=00aeef]"Shite! Blast it all!"[/color] Eva yelled out in a panic as her sword connected with it's throat cleaving a chunk away. As the Dragon began to bleed out Dickens lessened it's bite and sunk it again around it's head, ripping it from the spine, as Eva gave it one last chop to fully sever what remained. Johan wiped some sweat from his brow. [color=6ecff6]"That creature of yours sure is handy."[/color] He walked up the dragon and kicked the rather massive body. [color=6ecff6]"Huh.. This must be a young dragon. I've seen one twice as big.." [/color] [color=00aeef]"Let's not stick around then, I'd rather not run into another one of these."[/color] Eva turned to Dickens, who was more than happily munching on the carcass. [color=00aeef]"You okay, took a beating there?"[/color] Dickens turned with entrails hanging from its maws; cocked it's head and went right back to eating. As humongous as the beast was Dickens tore into it like it was an appetizer what took it seconds for the Chimera was Minutes for a Young Dragon. And if it weren't for Excalibur gaining power in Avalon, who knows how much damage it would have caused. Although as Eva looked back on it, the Dragon probably didn't have reason to worry about visitors coming this far out. [color=00aeef]"I guess, we're done here. Onto the tower then yeah?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Just a second."[/color] Rune used DIckens happy, and quite sloppily eating of the carcass to access and wrench out the dragons heart. He was elbow deep in blood as he held the bowling ball sized organ in his hands.. "[color=6ecff6]Ok. Now we can go."[/color] He said, entirely unconcerned by the fact that he was soaking in dragon blood and holding a glowing, leaking heart under his arm. [color=6ecff6]"What are you staring at?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"That a thing? Ripping out Dragon hearts? What's next you gonna tell me we should bathe in it's blood?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"No. That would only insult its cousins I bet. A heart is a powerful ingredient and often sought for by magicians. A dragons heart? I am gonna be set for a while."[/color] He hesitated for a second then said. "I'll split the profits 50/50, don't worry." He patted her shoulder, leaving a splotch of dragon blood on it. Then he strolled towards the tower, clearly in better spirits now that the dragon was dealt with and he had made some sort of real profit from the journey. [color=00aeef]"Right, well moving on. I should bring Dickens here, more. He seems to be enjoying himself."[/color] Eva and Johan climbed onto of dickens once more. Setting of at speed towards the tower. Who knew what horrors awaited them.