[@Ambiguity] I bought 24 loot boxes. And as it turns out, you can buy the event's loot with currency now! Blizzard realized how unhappy it made the fans to make the Summer Games skins exclusive to loot boxes. Some people just don't have good luck (aka me. I got Lucio's Seleção skin 4 times. I don't even play Lucio). So, if there's a skin or an emote or something that you want that you don't get with loot boxes, you can save up currency and buy them! I'm very happy with it. Thankfully, I got most of the skins I wanted from the loot boxes, then with the currency I got from the duplicates and from the currency drops, I got the only other skin I wanted that I didn't get from the boxes; Reinhardt's. I'm a Reinhardt main, but I loooove all of the skins. Also, you should take a look at the unique emotes and highlight intros! They're great! And Ana's Trick or Treat spray is unbelievably adorable. It made me go "awwww" aloud. Also, I posted a reply. And a question; are you on the NA servers? If you want to, send me a friend request. My name on Overwatch is DeweyVolkov. Not sure if there's a space or not (can you even have spaces?). I just logged off, but I'll be back on later.