[center][h1][color=springgreen]Paulina Benson[/color][/h1][/center] [color=springgreen]”Hey, hey, it’s okay.”[/color] Paulina again enfolded Ashleigh in her embrace, drawing her head to her breast as she stroked the distressed empath’s hair. [color=springgreen]”It isn’t your fault, Ash. You didn’t do anything wrong. We’ll figure out what happened, I promise you.”[/color] Cupping Ashleigh’s cheek with her hand, she gently forced the girl to look up at her. [color=springgreen]”Look at me. None of this,”[/color] she gestured at the other students, [color=springgreen]”None of this is your fault, okay? Come on, let’s get you out of here. You’re staying with me tonight, and no isn’t an answer this time.”[/color][@Caits] It took some effort, as Paulina was far from the physically strongest in the room, but she managed to lift Ashleigh into a bridal carry. She’d also have to actually walk for once, as the weight of both of them would be too much for the enchantments in her shoes. Nor did she care that Ashleigh would be able to feel the ropes crisscrossing her body. Those were all little details in comparison to the present situation. [color=springgreen]”Jason, get Vedika. Go with Mr. Gregman, he’ll take you and Alister to the infirmary. Everybody else, get out of here. Class is over. Liam,”[/color] she looked over her shoulder at the boy, for once her eyes bearing no trace of humour, [color=springgreen]”You can handle this.”[/color] [@Themerlinhawk][@Hitman5455][@Stern Algorithm][@KiritoAsuna][@Natsu][@Dusksong][@Rune_Alchemist][@Thecrash20] As she headed out of the gym, Paulina bent and gently kissed Ashleigh’s head, murmuring [color=springgreen]”It’s not your fault, you’re okay,”[/color] over and over.