[quote=@NecroKnight]Well, your history does say it you being post-war.[/quote] That doesn't make any sense as a sentence. I have no idea what you are trying (and failing) to say. My best guess is that you were referencing the fact that Aontas' history mentions the country having just recently exited the Great War—a fact as correct as it is irrelevant. That establishes that Aontas participated in the war, as with every other non-neutral player, and nothing else. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3952463]For reasons I have already succinctly described,[/url] Aontas is a terrible choice for our Tyrant. Possibly the single worst. [quote=@NecroKnight]Plus, I assume that anybody who had been the Great Tyrant had his country steam-rolled and likely dismantled/reduced to prevent another such incident. Since that is what 'historically' has happened.[/quote] I believe you have your wars confused. You're thinking of Hitler, not Napoleon. France came out of the Napoleonic Wars in a far better state than it was in before the revolution. It was larger, more populous, more stable, et cetera. France even retained its place as a Great Power, and as continental Europe's primary military force. Not that those facts are at all relevant, of course. For one, the longest of our submitted national histories is what... three paragraphs? It would not be much of a chore, or a loss, for any one of us to rewrite our histories. Second, we don't necessarily need our history to mirror the Napoleonic Wars exactly. Our main revolutionary aggressor, for instance, could be German-styled rather than French-styled. [@gowia] Thank you. I think Civitas could work.