As he boarded the [i]Kyne’s Tear[/i], Tsleeixth reflected upon the assignments that the company had been given by their patron. Roughly half of the company would head to the Pale to investigate the cause of the sudden forest fires that seemed to occur at random and that seemed to be enraging the Spriggans that were in the area while the other half, and the group of which he was part, would go to and old Dwemer ruin by the name of Bthamz in an effort to acquire the stockpile of weapons that the ruin supposedly hid and to use those same weapons to attack a supposed Armiger base in Bleackrock isle. The fact that the company was being split in two didn’t sit well with the Argonian spellsword, who doubted that anything good could come up from dividing their forces. Perhaps the return of the Kamal’s to Tamriel, along with the revelation that Morrowind was allied with them, had left him reeling more than he had thought initially and perhaps it was from there that his fear of separating company originated from, from the fear that a new enemy -like the mysterious mages that had destroyed Winterhold- would appear and destroy the sea parted groups of the company.”[i]Gah, it's no use worrying about that now. Can't let your fears get the best of you.[/i]” He mentally chided himself for such foolish thoughts. During the trip to Bthamz Tsleeixth didn't interact much with anyone, preferring to stay below decks and reading so as to pass the time before they arrived to the Dwemer ruins. The times he did went to the upper deck the tension between Leif and Do’karth was palpable, albeit its origins eluded Tsleeixth for the moment, as was Roze’s and Sagax’s fame at their feat of having destroyed one of the Kamal’s ironclad during the Siege of Windhelm. As such the trip to Bthamz went relatively quickly for the Argonian, with not much of note occurring to him during the trip. Luckily, arriving to the isle were Bthamz was proved to be simple, with no troubles for the group as they descended the flight of stairs and entered the elevator that led them deeper into the ruins. At Edith’s words Tsleeixth drew his new sword, his eyes briefly looking at the Falmer-made weapon that was now his a small shiver running through him as he remembered the trip back from Winterhold after [i]The Courtesan[/i] had beached due to the storm near the ruins. As the elevator came to a halt, they were greeted by the corpses of Dunmeri armigers. They seemed to have been there a long time by what the spellsword could tell and yet their bodies were undisturbed “[i]Probably not the Falmer that killed them, but then what?[/i]” He thought with a small frown, his question soon answered as Dwemer automatons began to swarm the camp that had once belonged to the dead Armigers. “Ah, crap.” He muttered lowly as one of the Dwemer spiders approached him on it’s skittering legs. He was no stranger to the Dwemer’s creations having encountered them before he had joined the Company -courtesy of an expedition the College of Winterhold had once done to one of the ruins of the lost Mer group- and as such didn’t look forward to fighting the automatons, knowing full well that the deeper they got into the ruins the more dangerous kind of Dwemer creations they’d find. “[i]Bah, idiot, focus on that later.[/i]” He mentally chided himself as he parried one of the attacks from the spider automaton that had approached him, quickly evading a bolt of lightning that had originated from the soul gem that powered the construct. They couldn’t afford distractions now, with both Leif and one of the new members of the company -a Dunmer woman that he had never seen before the boat trip towards Bthamz and who, if he recalled correctly, went by the name of Elmera- were down for the rest of the battle, possibly for the rest of the expedition. Dodging another incoming attack from the automaton that was targeting him, Tsleeixth re-focused solely on the enemy in front of him. He couldn’t help anyone if he was dead, and if he kept getting distracted that’d be exactly what would happen to him. The battle itself proved to be easy once he put his full effort into it, with the spider automaton soon dispatched as Tsleeixth destroyed the soul gem that powered it. Looking over he saw that both Elmera and Leif had been saved from the automatons that threatened to kill them. Taking a moment catch his breath he only could hope that the other group was doing better than they were as he went to fight off one of the few remaining Dwemer spiders.