Ashleigh let herself be comforted, leaning against Paulina, she knew that while she was small, she would still be heavy for the other girl. Yet she couldn't make herself stand. She closed her eyes, letting Paulina lift her, holding tightly to her. She decided not to argue, knowing she wouldn't win, about staying in Paulina's room. Her arms slowly dropped away from around Paulina, the contact against Paulina encasing her, making it easier to ignore everyone elses. Her...nerves felt shot. And yet...[color=f6989d]"I...I took it off..."[/color] And she hadn't lost control. Well. She hadn't gone bat crap crazy, at least. [color=f6989d]" doesn't dull my effect on others, enough..."[/color] She didn't seem able to form complete sentances, her voice oddly slurred with exhaustion. She snuggled against Paulina, not even sure where the other girl was taking her, and finding that she was beyond caring. She knew that Paulina would want to ask a million and one questions, but she just wasn't up for that. [@Thundercrash]