[center][h1][color=lightgreen]Riley Walker[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/dbc3d5d1d5c2ee9228f39f3da096fb91/tumblr_nx06j3ysuA1rl5axho1_500.gif[/img] Location: Riley's Bed & Breakfast (Her bedroom) Interacting With:[@twannyman] Gabanre, [@rivaan] Valencia & [@Zhaliora] Patricia, [@Vicier] Syleste, [@BlackPanther] The Twins, [@Caits] Cody & Cassandra Quinton & Abigale , [@ChaoticFox] Echo & [@Metronome] Yoska[/center] [hr][hr] [color=lightgreen]"Don't worry there wont be any drinking, other then a crap ton of soda and caffeine and the like."[/color] Riley reassured Patricia giving her a soft smile, they certainly have been closer then they should truly have been they were secretly dating after all and she knew that it was really illegal for them to even be together. But she was getting really close to graduating high school and then they could truly be together without any problems. Riley watched as Gabanre getting up and leaving the building without them and rolled her eyes slightly and gave Patricia and Valencia a friendly smile and nod. [color=lightgreen]"I'll meet you guys at the door then."[/color] Riley said as she watched the other two women getting up and leaving. Riley made her way towards a closet where she had stored her shoes in pulling out a pair of flip flops that were there and slipped them on. Riley opened the door seeing Valencia and gave the woman a smile and then Patricia as they were ready to get to the café, she was happy to see the two of them ready to go. [color=lightgreen]"Alright lets go."[/color] Riley said as she looked towards her parents and gave them a friendly smile and a wave goodbye to them she would see them all later. It really wasn't that far of a walk as Riley made her way towards the café she was walking when she looked over her shoulder at the back of the alleyway seeing a scrawny looking man there. He looked really homeless she dug into her wallet and approach the man Riley pulled out a twenty dollar bill she knew it would at least give him a few meals at least for the day. [color=lightgreen]"Here you go."[/color] Riley gave him a soft smile, she was always a person who was more then willing to help out anyone who was in need. Riley then turned and made her way towards the front of the café and opened the door seeing quiet a few of her friends and then waved towards everyone. [color=lightgreen]"Hey everyone!"[/color] Riley said happily as she made her way towards the counter seeing Echo and gave the girl a smile, remembering that she worked at the radio station and they talked a few times around town. [color=lightgreen]"How are you Echo?"[/color] Riley asked with a soft smile and looked towards her group of friends. [color=lightgreen]"Hope everyone is ready for the trip tomorrow."[/color] Riley said happily.