[Center][h3][color=335566]Анна[/color][/h3][/center] Drawing her eyes away from the intricate details of the walls and onto he other occupants of the relatively lively tavern she stood still. Her eyes watching with uneasy stares all she could see. Like that of a small rabbit before it was to dash into a bush. Settling her nerves she decided to not try to stand out. Having observed the stance many had taken in this place she to took a shaken seat at the bar. Her eyes staring in slight awe at the colorful liqoids inside each labeled bottle. All but one having names enscralled apon them words she did not know nor wanted to try to pronounce. A group of two men she could hear were having a conversation. Something about a something she couldn't understand that well. They both seemed strange to her, their apperal had not matched what men wore nor what women wear. The style of clothing couldn't have changed much in the short years she had been away from major society. Right? Many of those here seemed off but those two in specific had caught her senses. Most likely their perceived closeness to her, which kept her vision on them as she rested against the bar. [@gohKamikaze][@Pineappletumble]