Dallen fit right in to the Shark Club as soon as he entered. He didn't even need to show his caps, as a well dressed guard came over and took his coat and weapons. Dallen was directed to the poker tables, of which he saw that there were many openings. He chose the table closest to the wall, in case of a firefight, which at this point was very likely to happen. There were three other men at the table, all seemingly talkative and aware of the city. Dallen sat down with them, tossing half his caps in for poker chips. "New blood," one of the rugged man spat as he almost choked on his own cigar. "Pretty boy, whatchu doin' in Reno?" [color=steelblue] "I thought it was obvious," [/color] Dallen answered. He called the hand on the table and tightened up his black tie so that it was straight again. [color=steelblue] "Let's play some cards." [/color] Just a nod of approval came from the other guys, then the game started. Fold after fold, after a call that turned into a fold, Dallen finally felt comfortable. The guys sitting with him all drank heavily, shot after shot after shot. Dallen partook in a few of the whiskeys, but whenever he felt his mind slurring away from him, he'd order a white russian to calm himself back down. His father taught him how to play, and also how to not get cheated. There was a lot of free time back at his father's old ranch, in which the two would play a lot of card games. His father also taught him how to cheat, so that he may never be cheated himself. Such a simple, once useless talent, he decided to use here and now. Once it was his turn to deal, he took two pair of kings from the last hand and stuck them at the bottom of the deck. He began to shuffle an indian shuffle, keeping the kings at the bottom while making it seem he was shuffling all of them. Then he dealt. There was some random small talk about absolutely nothing, which was good. It meant they didn't notice his shuffle cheat. Once he felt he was in, he played fair and occasionally joined into some small talk. He would, over the time played, give winnings to those that were losing, as well as keeping himself above what he bought in for. Time passed by fast, as one by one the players went, until it was just Dallen and some fat guy, who wore a monocle and a black and white striped suit. Dallen was up, having won most of the games thus far. He noticed that as the other players left the game, more guarded men approached the table. It was obvious that whoever this guy was, he had a lot of caps. "You're not bad pretty boy," the thug spoke. "Been a while since I've been challenged." [color=steelblue] "Must be hard to find a real opponent," [/color] Dallen replied. [color=steelblue] "You know, when you're with the Lazzari's. No disrespect, I just mean you have a secure brotherhood. Look after another, you know..." [/color] Dallen took a sip of his whiskey, pretending to be drunker than he actually was. "Ha!" the man spat. "I've nothing to do with that lot, though they are here. My crew is a bit smaller, though more loyal. We keep it in the family." Dallen realized he was at the wrong table. He simply nodded in respect, then when it was his turn to deal again, he held two aces on the bottom of the deck. It was time to end this, then move on to the higher ups. Dallen sat back and looked at his two aces as the flop was dealt. Ace of hearts, king of diamonds, and a jack of spades. Dallen raised 100 and it was called. The turn was a ten of clubs, killing any chance of a flush. After the round was called, a 3 of hearts came as the river. Dallen raised another 100, as the large man threw all of his chips in. "ALL IN!" he shouted. [color=steelblue] "Call," [/color] Dallen replied. The other guy threw down a jack and a king, giving him two pair. Dallen threw down two aces, giving him the win with three of a kind. But just as Dallen reached over for his winnings, one of the fat man's men walked toward the table. "Liar!" he said, loud enough to hear but not enough for the loud room to notice. "I've been watching..." As the skinny red haired man put one of his hands on top of the table, Dallen grabbed at his wrist and twisted. Before the man could let out a full squeal, Dallen quickly kicked his legs out from under him and let him topple to the carpeted flooring. He then stomped hard on his face, knocking the man out cold. [color=steelblue] "No one calls me a liar," [/color] Dallen said, then got up and took his earnings with no problems. He lit up another cigarette as he walked away. He was up on caps, but down on information. Realizing the hour was almost up, he decided not to jump into another game of poker and instead down a few more whiskeys. He walked over to the bar within the Shark Club, sat down, and ordered a drink. Maybe the others found a lead.