[center][h3][b]Raven Heartwood - Central City[/b][/h3] [@Dusksong][/center] [b]"Nu-uh, we're splitting it remember?"[/b] Raven pointed out as he looked at the remarkably diverse menu. Hm, time to load up. Raven likewise grabbed a box and let Oliver indicaite which berries he liked and got a few of each, noting which ones the were for future reference. Some poffins were thrown into the mix as they sounded pretty good and Raven decided that he would also get teh recommended smoothie. By the time he was done getting everything Leisy was done as well. Raven held up the fruits(berries) of his shopping, [b]"Alright, I'm ready to go, you good too?"[/b] Oliver was staring intently at the box of food, clearly making sure he missed nothing. His meal would not escape!