[center][h3][b]Central City[/b] [i]A City Sidewalk[/i][/h3] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3898299]Nick[/url][/center] Nick woke to something very heavy upon his chest. His eyes were slow to open, but when they finally pulled apart, he discovered the reason behind his awakening. His new buddy Munchlax had awoken before him, and the little guy was obviously getting hungry for breakfast. [color=6ecff6]"Munch Munch."[/color] The little blue Pokemon gently nudged. Nick couldn't be mad at his new friend. He should have put him in his Poke Ball if he didn't want this interruption. After all, Pokeballs do put Pokemon in a state of suspended animation. At least that's what he heard from one of his friends when he was younger. [color=fff79a]"Okay okay. Give me a minute to get ready."[/color] Nick walked around the Poke Center bedroom as he collected his things. The morning sun shone brightly through the curtains despite their attempt to block the invading rays of light. A quick glance at his Pokedex revealed that he was waking up way later then he had anticipated. Munchlax's internal timer must be more reliable than his own; he would keep this in mind for future reference. Side by side, the duo walked downstairs to the Poke Center's public cafeteria. Luckily they were still serving their free continental breakfast. Nick ate like a bird while his Munchlax ate enough for three or four Pokemon it's size. Nick decided to leave before they overstayed their welcome. Nick started to walk back home to see his parents one more time before he finally left the Central City area. He didn't know when he would see them again; his Pokemon journey could take many days. As Nick walked, a thought struck his mind. He looked down at his content buddy as he spoke quietly, [color=fff79a]"I haven't given you a name yet have I? How about... 'Little Man'? I call you that enough as it is."[/color] Munchlax smiled in agreement, obviously feeling the endearment in Nick's voice. [color=fff79a]"I suppose that name will become rather ironic after you evolve. That's fine though. I love irony and sarcasm. Those are my second and third languages."[/color]