"Oh, I see," Nurse Jericho said to Ana, only a little surprised one of them bothered to answer, "What brou-" "Jericho," Nina said, another irritated sigh escaping her lips, "Don't you have something nurse-y to be doing." "Um, not at the moment I don't think." "Yes. Yes you do," Nina said simply. Jericho just nodded and went into the back of the clinic to do some sort of 'nurse-y' things. Nina may not be allowed to hurt the other nurses, but the last time Jericho got on her nerves too much, Doc Valentine had forced her to pay for the boy's broken wrists. Not that she thought it wasn't worth it. At that Nina shook her head and pulled out a cigarette from her pocket. As she lit it she looked over to Ana and simply said, "Nurse's privilege." All the while Zuzen was standing quietly, diverting his attention from Noki by thinking of ways to bring down Rectja. Ideally they needed to sneak into the Palace somehow, since going in guns blazing would leave them all dead if they were lucky. But as for how they'd do that, he had no idea. And when Vash came in from what looked like a bar fight and collapsed Zuzen was kneeling down at his side; his eyes would have been wide if he actually had any, and he was honestly worried about the man. Had he been mugged? Did he do something stupid? Was it Rectja's thugs? Before he got the chance to say anything Nina looked over at the counter at the man, "Just so you know, this is a clinic, not a grocery store. You don't get any two-for-the-price-of-one deals here." Zuzen looked up at the woman, irritated at her almost callous disregard for the man's status. Then the insane alien spoke up and offered to give Vash new clothes, from her home. Zuzen was a little suspicious, since they had tried to kill him earlier, and it was entirely possible it was a trap.But the meeker of the two personalities seemed nice enough, and if he was going to get through to either of them it would be that one. "I do not have a problem with that, but he is not going with you. I will be," Zuzen said, "The rest can head back to my house." He didn't think any of the others actually accepted him having any kind of authority, especially Ana, but he figured this was the best course of action. He trusted himself better than these people he just met to keep her in line, and the fewer that went the fewer would be in danger if they were walking into a trap.