[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color][/center] [color=gray]”Ready,”[/color] Leisy said, thanking the clerk as the uniformed girl handed her back her Pokedex. [color=gray]”Are you fine with eating on the road?”[/color] Leisy asked, turning back around to look at Raven. [color=gray]”It’s still early in the day, but a trainer can never have too much time. Or so they say?”[/color] The pair exited the cafe, Raven enjoying his drink and Leisy divvying up the multicolored poffins she bought. The colors reminded her of macaroons, although the poffins were less sugary and more bread-like than the french dessert. Bidein passed on the poffins, choosing instead to peck up a few berries. He was currently living like a king on Leisy shoulder, taking his pick of Orans from the box of the blue berries Leisy was holding up for him. Naunet, on the other hand, took hearty bites of her pink Pecha berry poffin, eyes shining in delight at the treat. Almost to the city limits, Leisy spun around to face Raven, eyes wide. [color=gray]”Oh! Totally forgot!”[/color] she said, pulling out her Pokedex and scrolling through the menu. [color=gray]”I wanted to join a organization today. Read up on them this morning during breakfast. They get you bonus trainer points,”[/color] Leisy said, showing the boy the guidelines for organizations. [color=gray]”What do you say, Raven?”[/color] [hr] [center][color=indianred][h3]Shanae Eller[/h3][/color][/center] [color=indianred]”One Pokeball please,”[/color] Shanae said to the young man behind the counter of the Pokemart, smiling both in amusement and sympathy as the clerk quickly whipped out said items. Although she was a familiar face as a prominent upper-level figure in the Central City branch, Shanae had never abused her position to get items. That is, items that cost trainer points. Regular money she took discounts for—how else was she to afford the outrageously expensive home-improvements?—but trainer points Shanae believed trainers had to earn themselves. As a fully-converted believer of how practice will quickly overtake talent, Shanae applies said rules to herself. Although she’d often stared longingly at the evolved forms that graced the Central City Pokemon Stadium, Shanae had held back from requesting items for quick evolution because of her belief in the experiences and bonds between trainer and Pokemon. Of course, that her Houndour looked cuter as a black-and-red puppy rather than a full-fledged skeletal wolf helped, especially when he was brooding. Thanking the flustered boy behind the counter, Shanae led her train of Pokemon out of the shop. [i]Oh, I think rules were that trainers could only have three Pokemon out inside the shop? And they all had to be able to safely fit through the door,[/i] Shanae thought in amusement. [i]Well, I guess there have to be some perks that come along with being VP.[/i] [hr] [@eklispe] [@balthazar007] Shanae bought a Pokeball