[center][color=B0E0E6][h1][b]幹恵ナ タカ春[/b][/h1][/color] [color=B0E0E6][h3][b]Mikiena Takaharu[/b][/h3][/color][/center] Mikiena was the one of the last to enter he classrom. [color=B0E0E6][i]'Good thinking.'[/i][/color] she thought to herself when her idea was accepted. She didn't completely understand what was going on, but she had the jist. And the weird horse thing was on their side apparently.[color=B0E0E6]"So horse good, girl out there bad? That's what I got so far. I'm sorry, this is all so weird to me. But thank you."[/color] Miki was grateful that she was allowed in their group and they didn't just leave her for dead. They saved her life. Mainly Shizune was to thank. So she directed her thanks to her. She took a deep breathe then sat on on of the desks to give her feet a rest while thy weren't moving. She had a feeling there would be a lot of running and walking. Rather rest them now and keep them from hurting early. [color=B0E0E6][i]'I should just stay quiet.'[/i][/color] Miki thought to herself. She didn't want to bug anyone. Especially the ones that saved her life. She may not be so fortunate next time. [color=B0E0E6][i]'I hope we can all just go home soon and forget about this weird, scary night.'[/I][/color] she looked from the group to the ground and sat silently. [hr] [@TheWindel]