[hr][hr] [center][color=LightPink][h1]Syleste Astrea Nioré[/h1] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Syleste%20Niore%20-%20Gif%2002_zpsto4fnwrf.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Red Lake Café. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Gage Brooks ([@BlackPanther]), and Kim Hansson ([@Zhaliora]).[/sup][/color][/center] [hr][hr] She couldn’t help the way her shoulder hunched further over than what they already were as silence once more fell between them- it wasn’t as though she didn’t like Aron… he was a great friend to her; just like Cody, he always there for her at school whenever she was feeling down or upset. Someone who was more than willing to stop and listen to her when she really needed to talk; a friend that she really did want to spend more time getting to know, but right now it just wasn’t the same… He was gentle and kind to her; an amazing friend… but right now, Gage was the only one that she wanted to talk to… [color=Pink]“Hey sorry about leaving… Aron is having a few hard moments and dragged me away. I am very excited and I’m… I’m really happy you’re coming.”[/color] That voice… that sweet melodic voice she loved so much; he came back..? Lifting her head up slowly as the sound of his voice floated down to her, Syleste allowed her attention to linger over in the direction she could hear it coming from, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly from one another as she listened to what he had to say- he was happy that she was coming along on the trip..? Unable to help the way that her cheeks once more flushed a bright shade of pink, she let her head drop down, the corners of her eyes crinkling ever so slightly as her soft giggle filled the air, lingering for a few moments longer before she once more sat herself up straighter on the stool, her body shifting slightly before she turned her head to look back over at him, the smile she wore earlier once more lighting up her features as she brought her hands back up, her fingers once again playing with the ends of her hair. [color=LightPink]“I-I’m really excited as well… I’ve never been camping before; I don’t know what to expect, I just hope it’s as fun as Cassie said it’s going to be…”[/color] Pausing for a moment, Syleste lightly bit down upon her lower lip, drawing it into her mouth and nibbling on it for what felt like a lifetime before she let it go, her voice soft… hesitant and shaking lightly with nerves as she spoke once again, [color=LightPink]“..I-I-... I’m r-really looking forward to-… to spending time with you, Gage…”[/color] The very moment she felt a gentle pressure weighing down upon her shoulder, Syleste tensed up, her body practically jumping out of her seat and her smile faltering slightly as the sound of a voice she didn’t recognize hit her ears, causing her foot slip from the bar of the stool and her body to fall forward and against the warmth she knew to be Gage sitting beside her- it was more than unnerving… someone she didn’t know not only touching her so suddenly, but talking to her as though they had known each other for years… the very thought of it had her curling her body closer up against Gage’s. [color=0072bc]“Erik was always proud of you; of your fortitude and how well you played.”[/color] Erik..? Erik Hansson..? Furrowing her brows ever so slightly in confusion as to why this woman was speaking to her about a man she held dear to her, Syleste turned her head ever so slightly against Gage’s chest, her unseeing gaze staring off in the direction that the woman’s voice had come from as her shoulders once more hunched over, her lithe figure curling into his strong and imposing one as she did what she could to hide herself from sight, [color=LightPink]“I-I-...”[/color]