[centre][b][h1][color=aba000]Cody[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Cody watched as one minute, everything seemed okay with the twins, and the next, Aron froze. He followed his gaze, and his hands curled into fists. Everytime either of the boys parents were around, Cody knew the boys jumped to their every whim. WHich might simply be them being good sons, and yet...Cody suspected something else. He pushed his plate away, gritting his teeth, wanting to get up, to do something, but not wanting to make it worse for Aron. But even before that horrid dress was whipping out the door, Cody was moving towards Aron's side. He didn't hesitate. Aron deserved to know that someone cared about him, aside from his brother, aside from Cassie. Deserved to know that someone wanted to do whatever they could, to protect him, to care for him. He engulfed Aron in a hug, hugging him tightly, refusing to let him go even if Aron struggled, [color=aba000]"She's a bitch"[/color] He didn't wait for a reply, instead, Cody kissed him, deciding that his nervousness was nothing compared to the way the twins were treated, and wanting to reassure Aron that he would be there. He made the kiss soft, tender, loving, enjoying the warmth of Aron's lips against his. The feeling that inspired in him...This time, Cody didn't let Aron run away. He held him close, and as he pulled away, breaking the kiss, he lingered amoment. [color=aba000]"I...Aron, there's nothing that old hag can make you do, or act, that will diminsh what I feel for you, or how you appear in my eyes, okay?"[/color] He didn't want Aron to draw away from him, because of what that...that sorry excuse for a human bening did. He didn't care that they were making a scene. He wasn't going to sit back, and let Aron think he thought any less of him. He glanced to a new person who seemed to want Aron to spar with him, and shook his head to them, hopefully convey a [i]not now[/i] message through that. [@twannyman] [centre][b][h1][color=f49ac2]Cassandra[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Cassandra didn't need to ask Gage what was wrong, to know the Evil Mother that would give shame to Cinderella's evil step mother was in the cafe. She had seen his reaction too many times, that she knew as soon as he came in, refusing to look at her, methodically making the salad that that [i]woman[/i] would pay the exact amount for, and only that amount. She had already slipped in the forty odd dollars change some kid had said to keep into the tip jar for the boys, but that didn't make up for the horrible attitude that woman had. She gripped the knife she held tighter, and for a moment she imagined going out there, and stabbing that woman. As she finished cutting and preparing however, she laid the knife down, and she went back out, laying a hand on Gage's shoulder as he began to beat the hell out of meat. [color=f49ac2]"Come with us, to get some snacks, okay?"[/color] While she poised it as a question, it was clearly one that he couldn't say no to. She went back out to Syl, wondering how she'd explain what just happened, but she guess the evil-mom's tone would be enough for her to pick up on what it was. Still...She returned to Syleste, giving a soft sigh, and saying [color=f49ac2]"Their mother-for lack of a better word, is quite...controlling. Do you mind waiting? I thought we'd take them with us, or Gage at least. Looks like Cody's already trying to get Aron to go somewhere with him"[/color] [@BlackPanther][@Vicier]