[center] [img] http://img15.deviantart.net/ed72/i/2007/132/a/4/casino_by_jkoc.png [/img] [/center] [@Dragonbud] The woman smiled at Dusty, fluttering her eyelashes. “Heya, hotstuff,” she said softly “that might just be the best darn thing I’ve heard all week.” He voice was quiet, almost nervous. Was she new at this? Or was something else on her mind? It was hard to say. “So where do you wanna-” “OI! CORINNE!” A gruff voice barked from across the street. In a flash, four scruffily dressed men, wielding chains and wrenches, came stomping over, sliding out of a patch of darkness. “You think you can fuck with Mister Torres and just walk away, you little cunt?!” The biggest of the men snarled, barging past Dusty, and yanking hold of the woman’s wrist. “You’re a dead woman, whore!” Hissed another of the thugs, as their leader shoved Corinne up against a wall. [hr] [@Sol Grim] “You’ve got some serious cajones, friend,” the bartender let out a gravelly laugh, sliding over a glass of rum, mixed with Nuka Cola “I’ve seen Regina’s Sharks throw folks out for less. Guess they don’t have an issue with you. Heh, just be glad you didn’t spill any blood; that never ends well.” The big man picked up a glass off of the grimy counter, giving it a quick wipe over with a damp cloth. “Speaking of spilt blood, the boss is always after folks who can handle themselves in a fight,” the bartender said, looking Dallen over “If you’re looking for work, I can always buzz you up.”