[h3][center][color=a187be]~Viola Rifei~[/color][/center][/h3] Viola, had already been up for about two hours. She was usually the first one awake in her dorm, and had often been asked if she [i]ever[/i] slept by her roommates considering she also could be found awake in the long hours of night. It was foolish to think a human didn't need sleep, but it was still quite funny to see peoples reactions if she said she in fact never did. Not that she didn't sleep, but she only slept around five or so hours every day. A perfectly acceptable amount. Currently, she was sitting at a small table in her room. The breakfast buffet may have been after the ceremony, but to be perfectly honest, as good as it was Viola just wasn't a fan of breakfast in general. But well, she wasn't a fan of most food except those of the sweet in nature so unless the breakfast buffet suddenly had cake, she probably wouldn't eat all that much despite what the headmaster wanted. So, she would eat before. It wasn't that difficult to have food in her dorm, after all. [i]"It's almost twelve!"[/i] And that would be Karen. Viola chuckled quietly as a teapot floated over and poured some tea into a small cup. Unlike her other dorm mates who relied on an alarm clock to wake them up, she had a rather more...efficient method. Low-class poltergeists made for some surprisingly good house keepers if you could make nice with them...granted, they wouldn't do anything for Karen or Luna except make a mess of their rooms, but details details. Finishing the last of a small bit of cake, Viola stood from her small table, glancing over to the window. It was still dark out of course, but that wasn't much of an issue for her. She often made forays into the graveyard at night simply to see how the more intangible spirits were doing and had more often than not made friends with them, aside from a few more stubborn ones. Her room was somewhat more ornately decorated than the others - Mistress Fiore had been rather generous with the furnishings when sending her here, and she had did her best at...'remodeling'. Most of her room had been decorated in an obvious Gothic style. Purple curtains were draped over the window, blocking out most of the light during the day, only being dimly lit by a few light sources. Most spirits from the graveyard were more comfortable in such dimly lit places, after all and she wanted to at least make them somewhat comfortable. A plush grey and red carpet covered most of the floor. The table was polished oak wood, and looked to be quite expensive despite being somewhat small. Four black chairs with red cushions sat around it, though they didn't seem to be in use. The only thing that would seem somewhat out of place, would be a large, white furred teddy bear laying on the bed. [color=a187be]"Suppose I should go say hello, no?"[/color] She chuckled seemingly to no one in particular, the teapot only clattering as it moved across the table in response. She left her room, closing it behind her - the poltergeists would be less inclined to make a mess of the rest of the girls dorms if she made it clear they were to stay in there. Granted, it was always fun to see them cause a bit of mischief...like the current teapot and teacup that had followed her out of the room, floating behind her a little distance. [color=a187be]"Morning, Karen."[/color] She chuckled, giving her roommate a friendly smile as she left her room. [color=a187be]"Trouble waking up? I could have one of my friends give you a wake-up call next time so you won't be so late, hehe."[/color] To emphasize the point...the teapot opened the lid, and tossed some tea right at Karen's face. Thankfully, it wasn't hot.