Dusty smiled back at the woman, especially when the woman fluttered her eyelashes and expressed interest. It struck her as odd that the woman, while interested, seemed nervous. Maybe it was her first time being approached by a woman? Or maybe she was new at the whole 'being a lady of the night'. Dusty's smile relaxed a little, loosening up her posture, trying to make the woman feel more safe. The raider extended an arm to the woman, hoping she would take it. "Come on, lemme get you some food while wer' at it." But before the two could move any closer to the tavern the two of them suddenly became a group. Four men, gruff, came out of seemingly nowhere. And before Dusty had a chance to comprehend what was going on there was shouting and cussing and violence. One of the men, likely the leader of the pack of mutts, pushed his way past the raider and grabbed at Dusty's potential lunch date. Dusty, slightly knocked askew from the man pushing past her, slowly stood up straight. She could feel the blood boiling in her veins, the anger of being bossed around fueling her strength. Dusty took a deep, slightly shaky, breath as she moved up behind the man grabbing Corinne. She curled her fingers into a fist, her Spiked Knuckle Dusters glinting in the low light. And without saying anything Dusty let out a shout as she swung her fist at the side of the mans head, aiming right for his temple. The Spiked Knuckle Dusters collided with his skull with a satisfying crunch as his bones cracked from the force. A twisted smile spread across Dusty's face as the man began collapsing, a trail of blood flying from his scalp. The man fell to the pavement, Dusty was unsure if the man was unconscious or dead, right now it didn't matter. "Dang, are you always an asshole to women? Or is today a special occasion?" Dusty turned to the remaining thugs, standing over the fallen leader, keeping herself between Corinne and the other men. "Now, I'm not gonna pretend that I know what's going on, but you assholes better fuck off before I send you for a dirt nap." In the following silence Dusty swore she could hear the sound of blood dripping off her knuckles, landing on the hard ground. She smiled.