[centre][b]CSC Queen Catherine Krogow High Orbit Planet Aloria Alorian Empire[/b][/centre] Lord Sir Adison Volkov gazed around [i]Queen Catherine[/i]'s bridge fondly. He missed commanding fleets, there was no question of it. The vessel was quite a bit different from his old CSC [i]Praetoria[/i], but it was also similar in many ways. Volkov's presence on the bridge was a breach of traditional protocol. Civilians, even the Secretary of War, were usually confined to the civilian areas of any ship they were on, but Admiral Konig had been gracious enough to invite 5th Fleet's old CO onto his bridge for the final approach to Krogow. [i]Queen Catherine[/i] was joined by the entirety of 5th Fleet, as well as an extensive Alorian Honour Guard. They were here to celebrate the destruction of Black Zenith; for the Alorians, it meant the end of their war with the Varangians. For the Commonwealth, it meant the elimination of a dangerous rogue fleet. Either way, it was cause for celebration. "Navigation," Konig said from his command chair, "take us down." In precise formation, the assembled ships descended slowly into the atmosphere. As the [i]Queen Catherine[/i] and 5th fleet arrived, flags were raised on every corner of every street in the entire city. Red and black symbols waved high in the air as the people celebrated the end of a war that had lasted far too long. Alorians, Krolm and now even Human's made their way through busy crowds on the streets below. Most people were trying to get to the city centre, others were just trying to get a good look at the fleet flying above. Children laughed and pointed, hanging out of the windows of their homes as they admired the ships. Down in the city centre, flags of the Commonwealth and the Alorians were raised together. No other flag but the Alorian one had ever been raised in the capital before, and this was meant to show the strong friendship that had been forged between the two nations. It had been rumoured that the Queen herself would be coming to celebrate, but nothing had been confirmed yet. A shuttle containing Volkov, Konig, and a selection of other top fleet officers slipped out of [i]Queen Catherine[/i]'s personnel hangar and set off towards the Palace, escorted by a swarm of Alorian gunships. Fireworks went off in the distance, and the formation swooped low over the city to cheers from the crowds. The shuttle gently touched down on a palace landing pad while the gunships assumed defensive formations. Since he technically was the highest ranking person in the shuttle, Volkov was first to exit. Camera drones zoomed around him, and he waved dutifully to them, a small smile on his face. Admiral Konig came next, greeted by renewed cheers as the cameras swept over him, the man who had destroyed [i]Black Zenith[/i] and effectively ended the decades of conflict. The cameras streamed Volkov and Admiral Konig as they left the shuttle, people all over the Empire and Commonwealth were watching the celebrations, or having their own celebrations in their own cities. One of the cameras turned, hovering in the air and focusing on a very well decorated Alorian General walked out onto the landing pad. She smiled, walking out and approaching the Admiral and Volkov, reaching out her hand to shake theirs. "Welcome, Lord Volkov and Admiral Konig, to Krogow, the most beautiful city on Aloria. Unfortunately, Selene couldn't be here. She is... busy. I'm Anastasia". She spoke. "A pleasure to meet you General," Volkov inclined his head politely. "Please convey my best wishes to General Selene if you have the opportunity." Privately, Volkov suspected Selene was off securing more of that miracle mineral the Alorians had recently discovered. The Alorian missions to obtain more of it were not exactly common knowledge, and they'd declined to share any of their operational schedules with the Commonwealth, but CID liked to keep tabs on people, even valued allies. Knowing the Alorians, they would not be gentle when securing deposits of the mineral, so it was understandable that they weren't eager to discuss it. That was fine with Volkov. Everyone had secrets, and considering how the Commonwealth tended to be a little more restrained than their allies, it was easy to see why the Alorians didn't want to be bogged down by Commonwealth sentiments. At least they'd eased up on the humans of their Empire, which had definitely improved the popularity of the alliance at home. Admiral Konig was less embroiled in his thoughts. Selene's absence was not his concern, and he focused his attention on Anastasia. "General Anastasia," he said formally, "I am here as an officer of the Royal Commonwealth Navy, reporting to our valued allies on a matter of great importance." He spoke as if everyone present didn't already know why he was here. The formality was more for the crowd's benefit than anything. Konig continued. "Two weeks ago to the day, the Royal Commonwealth Navy's 5th Fleet under my command tracked the last Varangian Empress class Hyperdreadnought -- [i]Black Zenith[/i] -- to the Capric nebula and engaged it. A fierce battle ensued, but I am happy to announce that the hyperdreadnought..." he paused for dramatic effect, "...was completely destroyed." The crowds went wild as the news they'd all heard days ago was officially delivered. Technicaly the on again off again wars between the Alorians and the Varangians that had filled the last few decades had ended a few months ago when the Alorians conquered the last Varangian world. But the destruction of [i]Black Zenith[/i] and her fleet meant the Varangian threat was truly gone, forever. Anastasia knew exactly what he was going to say before he said it. So did everyone else there, as well as most of the people who were watching and celebrating. However it had never been officialy said, and now it had a new wave of joy washed over the people. Anastasia nodded, looking over the Admiral. "Congratulations, Admiral!" She spoke, looking around over the city for a second, before back to him and Volkov. She nodded, and then looked over at one of the cameras. "As it is now official, I am more than happy to declare that the long lasting war between the people of the Unified Alorian Empire, and the Varangian Remnants is now over". She waited for a moment as the crowds roared and the cameras looked onto the two flags in the background, waving in the wind. She turned to them, "I think you should come inside". She spoke, before turning around and walking towards the entrance, "Somebody very important is waiting". She didn't mention who, as it had never been confrimed wether the Queen would be attending or not, and she was under strict word to not let anybody know, especially when the Cameras were just behind them all. Volkov nodded. He had a pretty good idea who might be waiting for them, and it was best not to test her patience. He and Konig followed Anastasia into the palace. Anastasia led them down many great, long halls and through many giant doors.The corridors were patrolled by the Royal Guard, and banners were hung on the walls. Every now and then even a Human could be seen roaming the halls. Anastasia led them to a room, it was small, and plain, with nothing but six guards standing inside. They nodded to Anastasia, and one pulled open one door, another pulled open the other. Inside, the Queen was standing, waiting for them. Anastasia smiled as she turned too Volkov and Konig. "Gentlemen, Queen Eva". The Queen stepped foward, smiling, "Good too see you again, Adison Volkov". Volkov bowed deeply, as did Konig behind him. "Queen Eva, it is indeed excellent to be reunited. It seems like only yesterday we were invading the Richter system. May I present Admiral Emden Konig, my successor as commander of 5th fleet?" Konig bowed again. "It is a distinct honour to be in your presence, your Majesty." "Her Imperial Majesty Queen Catherine also sends her greetings on behalf of the Imperial Systems Commonwealth, as well as her personal regards." Volkov continued. "Lord Chancellor Ross also sends his greetings on behalf of Her Majesty's Government and the Parliament of the Sovereign Reich. Oh, and General Kyarguin wanted to pass along a token of his esteem, a vertebrae from one of the Varangians he personally killed at Richter Prime." He produced a small box and passed it to a guard for inspection, then smiled wryly. "I think that's everyone." The Queen nodded to them, before giving a small bow of her own. She deeply respected this man, and wether she was a Queen or not, he deserved it. She smiled widely as he spoke, "It has been far too long". She said, as if reminicing to a time when she only only fourteen years old. She then looked over to Konig, "Your the Admiral who destoryed [i]Black Zenith[/i], arent you? I offer to you my deepest gratitude and give you my deepest of respects for ending my war". She looked to the guard, shaking her head as he went to inspect the box. She spoke in her native tounge, telling him that he did not need to check it. Her trust in Volkov and his people were strong. "Please give Kyarguin my thanks, and tell him that I hope he is doing very well". She said, taking the box into her own hands, opening it up and looking inside for a few seconds. A smile crept upon her face before she closed it again and gave it too the guard, speaking again in her native tongue. He took it and walked away from them all. The sound of more fireworks crept into the room from the celebrations outside. Volkov glanced in the direction of the sound. "I hope we may speak more later, your Majesty, but at the moment, I believe we're due for another public appearance. Will you be joining us?" The Queen nodded, "Go, appease the crowds. I shall be joining you all within the hour". With another pair of bows, Volkov and Konig turned and returned to the cheering crowds.